Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The owl of Athena 807

On the other hand, Ionian art of the sixth century B.C. does not
hesitate to equip the goddess with wings. A scarab in banded
°nyx, set in a gold bezel attached to a bronze ring, came from
Amathous to the British Museum and shows
(fig. 61S)1 Athena standing towards the right.
Two recurved wings start from her back. Her
breast is full and prominent2. One hand grasps
a spear, the other holds up her chitdn. Behind
her back are visible the snakes of her aigis and
a Seilenos-mask, which appears indeed to form
Part of her crested helmet, but is better ex-
plained as her Gorgoneion seen in profile3.
Behind her feet are three lines of doubtful
leaning4. Again, a white-figured sarcophagus from Klazotnenai,
now at Berlin, has a frieze of late sixth-century style, in which
a central Athena standing to the left with round shield and four
recurved wings is flanked by two warriors with horses and hounds5.
Lastly, the west frieze of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphoi (c. 525
-&-C.) represents Athena setting foot on a chariot drawn by four
winged horses, but pausing to adjust a large aigis on her shoulders.
The goddess herself had recurved wings of the archaic sort: the end
°f one is still visible in the relief; the other was originally added in
Paint on the background6.

Attic black-figured vases tell the same tale. A fine sixth-
Century bowl in the Faina collection at Orvieto (fig. 617)7 has

y 2°, 5 (enlarged) p. 170, Brit. Mus. Cat. Gems'2 p. 52 no. 437 pi. 8. My fig. 615 is
rawn (scale }) from a cast kindly supplied by Mr E. J. ]

Furtwangler Ant. Gemmen i pi. 6, 56, ii. 30, 76, iii. 93, 98, 115, Lippold Gemmen
5 (enlarged) p. 170, Bn
(scale ;) from a cast kinc
t "/"-a p. 225 n. 1 sub fin.
hel °' Iieazley The Lewes House Collection of Ancient Gems Oxford 1920 p. 8 'The
tjut "ls stated by Furtwangler to have a mask of silenesque type attached behind ;
That '6 belongs to the aegis and not to the helmet' (cp. ii. p. 19 f. no. 26 pi. 2-).

l0c. " riglU: >'<-''> Beazl ey's suggestion notwithstanding, G. Lippold and H. B. Walters

l\C"e- sti11 see what Furtwangler saw.
aiWjj Wa'ters loc. cit. says: 'In the field, three drops of blood (?).' Snakes of

6 Extra wings begun but left unfinished??

t'le./a/C^!l'ln ^ Ant' ^mim- "'• 5" 10 Pi- 58 (Part °f wnicn = my fig- 616). id. in
Gr 'i' /alS' deutsch. arch. Inst. xxiii. 169—180, Pfuhl Malcrei u. Zeichming

p. , ' '^5 "% 3' fig- 140, M. H. Swindler Ancient Pointing Vale Univ. Press 1929
*l "g. 221.

8 C P-

pi, 7__^ "card and P. de la Coste-Messeliere in the Fouilles de Delphes iv. 2. 130 ft'.

7 q ' 'iw'ln statement and criticism of previous views).

Kina 0 • ^ "le d- Inst% 1877 xlix- 128 ff- n0" 1j' d' carde"a Afusa> etrusco

*>th nl 1Vlet0 1888 P- 74 no. 150, L. Savignoni in the Rom. Mitth. 1897 xii. 307—317
P'- '« ( = my fig. 617).