Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The stone of Elagabalos

black stone was returned to Emesa1, and its cult at Rome by
degrees died out2.

At Emesa, however, the cult continued to flourish. The usurper
Uranius, whose full name was Lucius Iulius Aurelius Sulpicius
Uranius Antoninus, issued not only bronze coins showing the
temple (fig. 747)' or the stone in the temple with its two parasols
and a lunar crescent in the gable (figs. 748, 749)*, and billon coins
showing the solar eagle with a wreath in its beak (fig. 750)5, but

Fig- 749- Fig- 750.

2 pion Cass. 80. 21. 2 (ix. 478 Cary).
v^.. '• Lenormant in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Atit. ii. 531, F. Cumont in Pauly—

TZa Real-Enc. V. 2222.
fra ■' ^r°nner 'Les monnaies d'Uranius Antoninus' in the Annuaire de la sociite

fatsede numismatique et d'atrhMogie Macon 1886 p. 194 no. 12 pi. 7, 11 ( = my

4 *7) Berlin- The date (565 of Seleucid era) = 253 a.d.

« Jj ?f an ancient ring formerly in the Charvet collection. The date € .z <t> = 253 A.D.
Ga]a.- ' P- r92 t no. 8 pl. 7, 7 ( = my fig. 750) London (Brit. Mm. Cat. Coins
la> etc. p. 240 no_ 22 pl 28j ()