Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cust, Lionel; Colvin, Sidney [Editor]
History of the Society of Dilettanti — London, 1898

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Personal changes in the Society—New members—Deaths
of Founders—New spirit among their successors—
J. C. Crowle—Sir Joseph Banks—Charles Greville
—Sir William Hamilton—Sir Richard Worsley,
Mr. Peachey, and Sir George Beaumont—Charles
Townley—J^ichard Payne Kjiight—Sir Henry Engle-
field—Hamilton and the ritual of Isernia—D'Han-
carville—The 'Priapeia'—Reception of the volume—
Retrospect: work of the Dilettanti in Italy—Work
in Greece and Asia Minor—Further enterprises:
new Publication Committee—' Specimens of Antient
Sculpture'—Mode of publication—Proposed second
volume—Opportunities lost meanwhile—Sir William
Hamilton s notes and drawings—Letter from Lord
Elgin—The Parthenon Marbles since Carrey—Thomas
Harrison—Action taken by Lord Elgin—Lord Elgin
and the Dilettanti—Influence of Payne Kjiight in
discrediting the Marbles—Champions on the other
side: West, Fuseli, Hay don—Progress of the Con-
troversy—Crown Prince of Bavaria,Visconti, Canova—■
The Select Committee—Final result.

IN narrating the circumstances attending the long- Personal
delayed publication of Ionian Antiquities, vol. ii, changes m
we have passed somewhat beyond the proper Soc'ety-
limits of the last chapter, which deals in the main
with the period in the Society's history comprised
between 17so and 1790. During this interval the
personal changes arising from the election of new
members and the disappearance of old had naturally