Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cust, Lionel; Colvin, Sidney [Hrsg.]
History of the Society of Dilettanti — London, 1898

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m History of the Society of Dilettanti

Dilettanti Soc. either separately or in a group, the size to be at
Sir Jos. Reynolds' option.'

There is no record in the minute-books of the
Society of the decision come to by the painter to
paint the members of the Society, who were willing
to sit, in two groups, the next mention being in
December, 1778, when it was ordered

' That the Secretary do write to the Painter of the Society to
attend the next meeting to shew cause why he should not be
punish'd for having neglected so long to finish the two groups
which he undertook to do and several members to suffer to be done.'

In the account-books of Sir Joshua Reynolds for
this period the names occur as sitters of the various
persons represented in the two groups, and the
pictures were completed in 1779- On January 26,
1783, it was recorded that

'The Sec. having produced a Bill delivered to him by the
executors of Mr. Vials deceased for Frames of the Groups painted
by S* Joshua Reynolds & presented to this Soc. amounting to
£$% 2s od. ResolvM that as no instance occurs in the Records of
the Dill. Soc. of their paying for Frames of Pictures presented to
them the gentlemen subjects of the said groups do pay for the
Frames & that the executors of the said Mr. Thos. Vials be
referred to Sr Joshua Reynolds Painter to the Soc. by whose order
the Frames was made, whose duty it is to collect the requisite
money for the said gentlemen & pay it to them, etc. etc.1'

1 The bill in question is interesting and is as follows:—
The Hon. Gentlemen of the Dilettanti Society's Bill to the
Executors of the Late Mr. Viall, Carver.

1780, March 12—To two large (bold) burnished gold * s'
frames, carved with antique eggs, ribbon and
water leaf outside, with a scrolling fluted frett,
rich ornament tops, with shield and palm
branches, for pictures painted by Sir Joshua

Reynolds.......42 o o

To self and three men to fix up the two pictures

over the chimnies ...... 80

,£4.2 8 o