Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cust, Lionel; Colvin, Sidney [Hrsg.]
History of the Society of Dilettanti — London, 1898

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work in Attica and the Morca,
89 ; return and reception, 90.

Astle, Mr. Thomas, 118, 123.

Athens, expedition of Stuart and
Revett to, 77; bombardment
of, 73, 131; British School of
Archaeology at, aoy; Mr.
Penrose's investigations at.,208 •
foreign schools at, 2.12.

Attica, The Unedited Antiquities of,
publication of, 163, 164..

Avignon declared to be in Italy,

Azeglio, Massimo d', 194.


Bacchus's Tomb, 31-33.
Ball, Mr. John, F.R.S., 15)8.
Ballot, the,for electionof members,

138, 139.
Balloting balls and bag, presented

by Mr. Ponsonby, 32.
Balloting-box, 31.
Bank of England, foundation of, 3.
Bankes, Mr. William John, 170.
Banks, Mr. (afterwards Sir)

Joseph, P.R.A., appointed Very

High Steward, 28 ; mentioned,

33,35,9%>IO,),lo9, «*»*">
accompanied Captain Cook in

the Endeavour, 113 • Treasurer
and Secretary of the Society,
114$ portrait of, by Sir J.
Reynolds, 223 • resolutions re-
specting a second portrait, 225.

£ Bard * of the Society, appoint-
ment of Dick Edgcumbe as,
■2.1, 6j.

Baring, Sir Alexander (afterwards
Lord Ashburton), 184.

Baring, Mr. Thomas, 198.

Barrington, Viscount. See Wild-

Battersea, Lord. See Flower.

Baudrier, Arch-Master's, pre-
sented by Earl of Sandwich, 30.

Bavaria, Crown Prince of, desires
to purchase the Elgin Marbles,
135-; purchased the Aegina
Marbles, iytf.

Beauclerk, Mr. Topham, 108.

Beaumont, Sir George Howland,
Bart., 109, 112, 117.

Bedford, Mr. F., 181.

Bedford, Duke of. See Russell.

Bedford Head Tavern, Covent
Garden, 5- • first recorded meet-
ing of the Society held at, 22.

Bentinck, Mr. George Cavendish,

Beresfbrd-Hope, Mr. Alexander
J. B., 145.

Berkeley, Mr. Norborne, 20, 21,
46, 51, 83, 215,.

Bessborough, Earl of. See Pon-

Birch's British Worthies, 217.

Blessington, Earl of, 46; portrait
of, by Knapton, 219.

Bockb, 210.

Boone, Mr. Daniel, M.P., 8, 46,
11 o, 219; member of East India
Company, 14; confidential
friend of Frederick, Prince of
Wales, 14.

Botfield, Mr. Beriah, M.P., i8f.

Bouverie, Mr. John, 78.

Bowen, Sir Charles (afterwards
Lord Bowen), iy6; his remark-
able personality, 1^7.

Boxall, Sir William, letter from,

Boyle, Mr., if»., 46, 219.

Boyne, Viscount, 8, 17, 36'.

Bracciolini, Poggio, 6y,

Brand, Mr. Thomas, 19, 46, yi,
67, 83, 104, 105; portrait of,
by Knapton, 219.

Brettingham, Matthew, 77, j6.