Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cust, Lionel; Colvin, Sidney [Hrsg.]
History of the Society of Dilettanti — London, 1898

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Virtuosi, Society of, 7.
Visconti, Ennio Quirino, 135, toy.


Waddington, M., French ambas-
sador, 104, 2.07.

Walpole, Horace, on Charles
Sackville, Earl of Middlesex,
115 on the brothers Gray, iz;
mentioned, 14, 1?, 67, 113;
on John Russell, Duke of Bed-
ford, 19 ; on Lord Deskfoord,
zi j on the Dilettanti, 36, 51 j
on Italian opera, 50, 51; on
Duke of Richmond's school of
statuary, 5 8.

Walpole, Sir Robert, a, 14.5
initiated the Westminster
Bridge Lottery, 4.-1, 4,3.

Walpole, Mr. Spencer, 107.

Warkworth, Lord, 83.

Warwick, the late Earl, 195:.

Watson, Mr. Knight, 203.

Watson, Lewis, second Earl of
Rockingham, zo.

Watson, Thomas, third Earl of
Rockingham, zo.

Watson-Wentworth, Charles, Earl
of Malton (afterwards Marquess
of Rockingham), j6, 79, 80,
81, 108.

Watson-Taylor, Mr. George, 170.

Welby, Sir Reginald (now Lord
Welby), 1518; joint Secretary
and Treasurer to Society, zo^.

Welcker, zio.

Wells, Mr., of Redleaf, 186.

Wemyss, Earl of. See Charteris.

West, Mr. Benjamin, P.R.A.,
105, 13 d, zz7 • consulted on
state of the Reynolds groups,
zzf, zz<J; presentation of his
portrait, and letter therewith,
Z30, 231.

Westmacott, Sir Richard, 136,
170, 171.

Westminster Bridge Lottery, the
earliest recorded transaction of
Society, 4-z; a scheme initiated
by Sir Robert Walpole, 4z, 43;
Act of Parliament passed in
1736, 4Z 5 minutes of Society
respecting first lottery, 43;
prizes won, 44 • resolutions in
connexion with second lottery,
44; resultedinlosstoSociety,4f.

Westmorland, Earl of. See

Whitefbord, Caleb, iz.3.

Whitmore, Mr. Thomas, 8.

Wilbraham, Mr., Deputy Arch-
Master, 1x3, 157.

Wildman, William, second Vis-
count Barrington, zo; Secretary
of War and Chancellor of Ex-
chequer, zo; portrait of, by
Knapton, zip.

Wilkes, 15:, 18, IZ3.

Wiikins, Mr. William, R.A., the
architect, iz8, 136', 143, 144,
147,158, 16b, 163, 171, zz7;
sixth wrangler at Cambridge,
147; studied architecture in
Italy and Greece, 147; writer
on classical architecture, 147;
edited The Unedited Antiquities
of Attica, 163 ; death of, 168,
180; presentation to, 169.

Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury,
8, zi6; famous wit and satirist,
16 j lived abroad as envoy, 16;
retained his interest in Society,
16; his poems offered to
Society by Mr. Johnnes, 6y;
verses on Crowle's duel with
Lord Hervey, 113.

Williams, Gilly, 6y.

Williams-Wynn, Sir Watkin,
portrait of, by Sir J. Reynolds,