Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

D'Athanasi, Giovanni; Salt, Henry [Editor]
A brief account of the researches and discoveries in Upper Egypt: To which is added a detailed catalogue of Mr. Salts collection of Egyptian antiquities — London, 1836

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which the reader is referred to the annexed cata-
logue, No. 986. After the discovery that had
then been made by the Rev. Mr. George Tom-
linson and others, of the case having belonged to
the mummy of a king, I promised that I would
obtain, from those employed in my service in
Upper Egypt, every information possible on the

I have now much pleasure in being able to state
in confirmation of this discovery, that during the
researches made by the Arabs in the year 1827,
at Gourna, they discovered in the mountain, now
called by the Arabs, Il-Dra-Abool-Naggia, a small
and separate tomb, containing only one chamber,
in the centre of which was placed a sarcophagus,
hewn out of the same rock, and formed evidently
at the same time as the chamber itself; its base
not having been detached. In this sarcophagus
was found the above-mentioned case, with the
body as originally deposited. The moment the
Arabs saw that the case was highly ornamented
and gilt, they immediately, from their experience