Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

D'Athanasi, Giovanni; Salt, Henry [Hrsg.]
A brief account of the researches and discoveries in Upper Egypt: To which is added a detailed catalogue of Mr. Salts collection of Egyptian antiquities — London, 1836

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15*A Piece of Wood in the form of the lotus flower, painted
and used for making offerings, 13 inches high; and
the Lotus Flower in wood, used for a similar purpose,

Memphis, £1. 3s.

16 An Idol, with its pedestal, 1 ft. 9 in. high............IO5.

17 A Tablet, painted, representing offerings to Horus, 12 in.

high.....................................£1. 2s.

18 A Tablet, painted, representing a Sphynx on the fore part,

and a " cartouche" containing the name of Amenoth,

12 in. square..............................£2. 4s.

13 Statue of a naked Female standing, very delicately carved
in hard wood, on a stand, 11 in. high..............£6.

20 A wooden Pillow................................95.

21 A wooden Palette, with Brush, 15 in. long...........95.

22 Model of a Hatchet, painted, representing on the one side a

bull, and on the other a boat...................115.

23 Statue of Osiris, containing at the back a roll of papyrus,

very curious and interesting..................£2. 25.

24*The set of four Canopi, with the heads representing the four
genii of the infernal regions; each Canopus having a

line of hieroglyphics painted on it.................£6.

A set so complete as the above, in wood, has scarcely ever

before been found.

25 A Case of wood, well preserved and very fine, painted over

with figures and hieroglyphics, and containing in the
inside specimens of the flower of the papyrus, dried,
exceedingly interesting, 20 in. by 13 in.........£9. 95.


Found in the Tombs at Thebes.

26 Ten various Scarabei, of hard stone and porcelain, without


27 Fifteen others in porcelain, with inscriptions........£1. Is.

28 Eighteen others.............._____............£1. Us.