Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
Views and descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Italy [...] intended as a supplement to his classical and topographical tour in Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806 — London, 1834

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1 Ruins of Lycosiira, in Arondia...................... 1

2 General View of Tiryiis, and tbo Plain of Argos...... I

3 View of tbo Walls of Tiryns........................ i

4 Pointed Gnlo in tbo West Wnli of Tiryns............ «

5 Acropolis of Myceniu..............................

6 Goto of (ho Lions, nt Mycenra...................... t

7 Back of (ho Gnlo of the Lions......................

8 Small Gnlo of the Acropolis of Mycenre.............. il

0 Exterior View of thn Treasury of Atreos..............

10 Interior of tie Treasury of Atreos................... ti

11 Portal to one of the Treasuries nt Mycotic............

13 Tlio Plain of Argos................................

13 Treasury of Minyas, at Orchouicnos, in Bocolin........ t

14 Gate of tlio Acropolis of Orcliomcnos................. 1

15 Walls and Tower of Orchomenos..................... 1

16 Acropolis of Clircronein............................. i

17 Projecting Wall in the Acropolis of Chreronein........ 1

18 Rains of Gortys.................................. '

10 One of Iho Gates of Gortys, in Arcadia.............. i

20 Plain of Thoricus, in Attica......................... I

21 Ruins of a Tower at Thoricus...................... i

23 Little pointed Gate at Thoricus..................... '.

23 Theatre at Thoricus.............................. t

24 Ruins of a Doric Building nt Thoricus...............

25 Ruins of an ancient City near Mcssalongi, in CEtolin ...
30 An Ancient Gnto of the ruined City near Messnlougi...

27 Pointed Gnles in the ruined City near Messnlougi.....

28 General View of the pointed Gates..................

20 Small Theairo in the above ancient City..............

30 Walls of Goloxidi, the ancient /Eanthc, in Ozolcea Locris

31 Gate at Agia Euphcniia, in Ozolcea Locris............

32 Town of Saloaa, and Ruins of Ampliissa, the ancient

Capital of Ozolcea Locris......................

33 Acropolis of Amphissa............................

34 Ruins of Delphi, in Pliocis.........................

35 View nt ditto....................................

36 Ancient Sepulchres near Delphi....................

37 Tlio same, with the Gulf and Plain of Crissa..........

38 Ruins of Lilnia, in Pliocis....................... . on

30 Ditto............................................ j4.

40 Torrnco Walls and Drains of the Templo of Minerva

Crnnea...................................... gj_

41 Ruins of an ancient City in Doris.................... fj.

42 Ruins of Tilhorcen, in Pliocis...................... 22

43 One of the Towers of Tithorcon..................... ffl.

44 Acropolis of Dnulin............................... (J,

45 A Gnto of tlio Acropolis of Dmilia.................. jb,

40 Ruins of Pnnopius................................ 23

47 Ruins of Hnlinrtiis, in Beeotin...................... fj,

48 Ruins of Thisbc, in Bccou'n........................ 24

49 Ruins of Platoeo, in Beeotin........................ ill.

50 Ditto............................................ ib.

51 Ruins at Gyplito-Castro, the ancient Eleutlierai........ 25

52 Tower and Gates at ditto................,......... ib.

53 Castle of Phyle, in Attica.......................... 26

54 Ditto........................................... ib.

55 The Pnyx at Athens.............................. ib.

00 Ruins nt the Pirnjus.............................. 27

57 Plain of Trachynia, and Ruins of an ancient City un

Mount Octa.................................. 28

58 Ruins of Echinus, in Tbessaly...................... ib.

59 Acropolis of Pharsaiia, in Thessaly.................. 29

00 Gato in the Acropolis of ditto...................... ib.

01 Ruins of an ancient City, now called Aim, near the

Gulf of Pngnsnj............................... ib.

62 Ruins of lolchos, in Thessaly....................... 30

03 Viow of Orchomenos, in Arcadia.................... ib-

6-1 Ruins of Clilor. in Arcadia......................... 31

05 Gulf and Plain of Messcuin........................ ib.

66 Exterior View of tlio Great Gato at Mcsscnia.......... 32

07 Interior Viow of ditto............................. ib.

OS Ruins of MelLnna, in Argolis...................... ib.

09 Ancient Gnlo nt Metliana.......................... 33

70 West Front of the Great Gntc of Iho Propylrou, nt

Alliens....................................... 'b.

of Ptolemy, at Allien................... 34