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1. Corsair, canto iii.

2. Critias, 112 A.

3. Life of Sulla, chap. 13.

4. A complete account of these exca-
vations is given in the 'E<pr)p:epis 'Apxaio-
Xoyi/oj, 1897, p. I.

5. 'AtoWiov 'TiraKpaios. Cf. Kohler,
A.M. iii. 144. "TwoaKpaios, C.I.A. iii.
91, 92. Sometimes written virb Maxpcus, or
Ott' "AKpacs.

6. Verrall's translation.

7. Lucian, His Accus. 9.

8. Professor Dorpfeld holds that this
sanctuary of Apollo was the Pythion men-
tioned by Thucydides (ii. 15), and that
this is the spot where the ship was moored
after completing the tour in the Pana-
thenaic procession. Since the Pythion
atTTpairai (Eur. Ion, 285) could not have
been observed from the Pythion on the
Ilissus, inasmuch as Harma lies to the
N.W. of the Acropolis, Strabo (ix. p. 404)
also must refer to this oldest Pythion. But
Strabo says that the tVxapct rou 'Atrrpairaiov
Alos was ev T(p reixei /nera^i rod livdiov koX
toO 'Q\vp.Triov. This Olympion lay then to
the east of the Pythion. The wall referred
to by Strabo is that of the Pelargicon and
ran to the east of the Pythion. For the
reasons urged against this cf. Frazer,
Pausan. v. 519; Pickard, Dionysus iv
Al/iraK, A.J .A. 1893, P- S6 8-

9. Aglauros is the only form in the
inscriptions. But Agraulos is the common
form in the MSS. Cf. Preller-Robert,
Myth, p. 20O, Anm. 2.

10. Polyaenus, Strateg. i. 21.

11. On the Aglaurion see Leake,
Athens, i. 262 ; Wachsmuth, Stadt Athen,
i. 219 ; Harrison, Alyth. and Mon. 163 ;
Frazer, Pausan. ii. 167. C. H. Weller,
A.J. A. xii. (1908) p. 68, holds that the
Aglaurium is to be located close to the
Clepsydra, and not near to the centre of
the north side of the Acropolis.

12. Cf. Frazer, Pausan. ii. 119; Harri-
son, Myth, and Mon. p. 93.

13. Cf. J.U.S. xv. p. 248. Dorpfeld
also believes that there was an ancient
approach to the Acropolis from the south-
west, just below the Nike bastion. Middle-
ton (J.U.S. Suppl. Paper No. 3) thinks
that here lay the original approach and

14. See Pausan. i, 22, 3.

15. Dorpfeld identifies the Pythion men-
tioned by Philostratus, Vit. Soph. ii. 1, 5>
with this locality. Others locate the
Pythion southwest of the Olympieum. Cf.
Wachsmuth, Die Stadt Athen, i. 230.

16. Cf. J.U.S. xvi. 338.

17. Cf. C. Wachsmuth, Netie Beitrage
zur Topogr. von Athen. Abhand d. Sachs.
Gesells. 1897. Ernst Maas, Jahrb. d. k.
Arch. Inst., xxii. 143, " Der Alte Name
der Akropolis," tries to show that the oldest
name of the Acropolis was Y\a.vKumiov-

18. Cf. Archaeol. Anzeig. 1893, p. I4°-

19. The Acropolis again became a citadel
in the later period of its history. See
chapter vii.