Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Aphrodite, Temple of, at Naukratis, 20,

29, 35.
Apis (Ptali) as Greek Serapis; identified
with Zeus, 102.

— as Soul of Osiris and Life of Turn, 231.

— speculations about, 228.
Apollo, 35.

— at Xaukratis, 191,

— at Tenea, 190.

— at Thera,190.

— Strangford, the, 190.

— temple to, 29.
Apollodorus, 94, 97.
Arabia, 146, 199, 288, 298.

Arabs, 5, 6, 8, 11, 13.14,39,41,64,68,69,
84, 255, 270.

— at tombs, 98, 142.
Aradus, 203, 206.
Arameans, 276.
Archaeology defined, 24.

— Egyptian, period of, 24.

— requirements for study of, 24-26.

— school of, at Athens, 29.
Archipelago, 78.

Ardagh, Lieutenant-colonel, survey of,

Argolis, 100, 101.

Ari-n-Amen (Ammonarin), 102.
Aristides, 75.
Arsinoe, City of, 105.
Art, Alexandrian, 35.

— Assyrian. See Assyrian.

— decorative designs. See Decorative

— early examples, 132.

— Egyptian. See Egyptians.

— Greek. See Greeks.
Art'inidorus, 96.
Aryan Hellenes, 168.
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 195.
Asi, 120.

Asia Minor, 73,202.

--------light on history of, 80.

--------tribes of, 80.

Asiatic Greeks, 73.
Asiatics, 200.

— influence of the, on Egyptian art, 133.

— types of, on tombs, 82.
Assuan, 53, 54, 170, 250.
Assyrians, 68, 09,159.

— art of the, 74, 132.

--------influenced by Egypt, 81.

— early works in sculpture of the, 132.

— empire of the, 38.

— sculpture of the, 114.

— writing of the, 244.

As-t (Lady), mother of Tliothmes III.,

Astronomy, 217, 218.

Ateta, King, author of anatomy, inventor

of hair-wash, 218.
Athena, 90, 229.
Athemeus, 29.
Athens, 30, 37, 74, 75.
Athribis, City of, 254.
Ati (wife of Prince of Punt), 284, 289.

— Chabas on, 285.

— Maspero and Mariette on, as type, 285.
Atmu (Turn, Tuniu), 81.

Augustus, 258.

Australia, aborigines of, 230.

Auvergne, 6.

Ba (Egyptian, soul), 117.

— Greek misinterpretation into harpy,
187, 188; into siren, 189.

— representation and oflice of, 187, 188.
Baal, 206, 208.

Babylon, 61, 63.
Babylonians, 02, 159.

— designs borrowed, 171.
■— inscriptions of the, 08.

— writing of the, 244.
liukakhiu, 57.
Bak-en-Khonsu, 271.
Balftt (brickwork), 08.
Bechuanas of South Africa, 230.
Bedouin, Mound of the (Tell Bedawi), 17.
Benha (site of Athribis), 254.
Beni-Hasan, 168, 109, 172, 174, 191.

— columns of, 180.

— decorative designs at, 170, 172.
Berlin, Museum of, 190, 259.
Bible, the, 42, 50, 58, 03.

— its account of Pharaoh's house veri-
fied, 08.

— its history of the Hebrews verified, 40.
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, 195, 220.
Birch, Dr., 4.

Bitter Lakes, 40.
Bodleian Library, 23.
Book of the head, The, 14, 187, 196, 19S,
233, 249, 258.

— its "Negative Confession"quoted, 232.
British Museum, 33, 92, 111, 155, 162,

180, 189, 190, 212, 225, 298.
Browne, Sir Thomas, 5.
Brugsch, Dr., 46, 118, 197.

— finding fable, "Lion and Mouse," etc.,

— on Hatasu, 261.

— theory about Egyptian religion, 228.
Brune, M., at Karnak, 274 ; restorations

at Dayr-el-Bahari, 272, 273.
Buhastis (modern Zaga/.ig), 0, 26,45, 50,
133, 146, 280.