Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Falkener, Edward; Belli, Onorio
A description of some important theatres and other remains in Crete: from a ms. history of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586 — London, 1854

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to be known relative to the chorography of the island; all of
which I had been anxious to treat of in order to render the
subject more complete. But, having no assistance, I have
finished the work as well as I could, under the circumstances."

(A. Z.)

But Belli not only distinguished himself as a physician and
an antiquary; he was celebrated also as a botanist. Several of
his letters on this subject are extant, most of which relate to
the isle of Candia, and some of them are published. His in-
dustry and perseverance are shown by the motto which he
selected as his device. It was a puzzle-lock, with the words
" Sorte aut Labore," intimating that he was determined to suc-
ceed, if not by genius at least by study and assiduity.*

How long he remained in the island is uncertain, Cassar
Campana, in a letter to Giuseppe Aquila, says ten years, but
we know him to have been still living at Canea in 1596. His
death took place in 1604.

In addition to the accompanying extracts of his work on
Candia, the following writings are preserved in the Ambrosiana:

I. Epistolce aliquot ad Carolum Clusium de variis stirpibus agentcs. These
are published in the
"Historia Plantarum" of Clusius, fol., Ant., 1601, and referred to by
Vander Linden, and by James in the Bodleiana. Some of the more
remarkable of these plants have been published by Francesco Pona in
his " Descriptione delle Piante di Monte Baldo," Basle, 1608; and by
John Ray in his " Sylloge stirpium Europearum," Lond., 1694.
II. Two Letters to his Uncle (Valerio Barbarano ?), describing the antiquities
of the island, and dated 24 April and 11 Oct. 1586, (old style.) The
principal contents of these letters are given in the present article, and
distinguished by the references (Lett. I. and II.) They have been
printed at length by Magrini, Scritture inedite in Materia di Architet-
tura, 8vo., Pad., 1847, in accordance with a very pretty custom in Italy,
of printing an edition of a poet, or some other valuable work, in com-
memoration of a marriage or other festal occasion. In the present
instance the pamphlet is printed "Per le nozze Antonio Dr. Zanella e
Laura Turra." The original letters are preserved in Cod. Q,. 122;the

* Perro, Teatro d'Imprese, ii. 456.