Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Falkener, Edward; Belli, Onorio
A description of some important theatres and other remains in Crete: from a ms. history of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586 — London, 1854

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of by all writers as being of the highest merit, which concur-
rent testimony causes us more deeply to deplore its loss.

Pigafetta, in 1612, says "it is written with great diligence
and research, and with considerable knowledge of geography,
antiquity, and architecture."*

Maffei calls it a most precious manuscript, and says, " it is
written with judgment and learning, and we have no work on
this island in any way approaching to it. In the first book,
which treats of the antiquities, there is a collection of inscrip-
tions, and the author, endued with an intimate knowledge of
the principles of architecture, gives the plans of all the most
ancient edifices then inedited, and some of which were destroyed
for various purposes during the residence of the author. Among
these are seven theatres, of which he found considerable remains
among the ruins of the various cities; he also refers to five
amphitheatres, the remains of which he appears to have dis-
covered, two of which, those of Gortyna and Hierapytna, he
measured, and of these he has given us plans, though, in accord-
ance with the practice of those times, he has restored them as if

Bocchi, in like manner, calls it " a precious MS. on the his-
tory of Candia, compiled, with great diligence, by Onorio Belli,
which we hope may shortly see the light. Among the various
drawings of remarkable edifices which it contains, are some of
theatres. All these, according to the custom of the nation,
have the orchestra very large, but none so large as that of Adria
(described by Bocchi), which shows the great difference between
the Etruscan and Greek theatres, and again between the Greek
and the Roman."J

Marco Velsero, writing to Pignoria, thus speaks of it: " Oh,

* Pigafetta (Filippo), Teatro del monclo, diAbrahamo Oralio. Fol. Anversa,
1612. Voce Candia.

t Maffei, Be gli Anfiteatri, 8vo., Ver., 1731, p. 67.

J Bocchi (Ottavio), Osservazioni sopra un antico teatro in Adria, 4to., Ven.,
1739, p. xiii.