Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Fürstenthal, Raphael J.; Heidenheim, Wolf; Johlson, Josef

Or le-Yiśraʾel / אור לישראל: ... ʿim perush Me-or ha-golah, Rashi ... / ... עם פירש מאור הגולה, רש"י ...

Krotoschin: Monasch, 1843

Text hebr., aram. und jüd.-dt. in hebr. Schr. ; The Pentateuch accompanied by the Aramaic version attributed to Onkelos, the commentary of Rashi, and a German version, in the Hebrew character, by Asher Johlson. With the Haftarot and Megilot, including a Judaeo-German version by the same translator. Followed after each book of the Pentateuch by the Sabbath Morning Prayers. Edited by R.J. Fürstenthal. - Includes subscriber-list (Fertsaykhnis der herren pränumeranten).

DOI / Citation link: https://doi.org/10.11588/diglit.52333  
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-523337  
Metadata: METS

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