Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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glaze; two amulets of crystal, lion, shell,

crocodile, &c.
470. Vases (XXXIV., XXXV). Seal (XXXIX.).

Mirror (XL.). Pot with spout, beads of gold

and carnelian. (Philadelphia.)
476. Seal (XXXIX.). Inscribed mud figure, not

deciphered (Ashmolean Museum).
478. Vases (XXXVI.). Carnelian and blue glazed

pendants, one shell and two jackal heads.
490. Pottery (XLL). Beads of blue glaze, bell and

493. Vase (XXXVl.). Beads of carnelian and shell,

glazed pendant.
499. Seals (XXXIX.). Pottery (XLIL). Beads of

black glaze.
501. Burial (XXXII.). Pendants (XXXIX.).
560. Blue glazed hippopotamus.



PL. I. El Mahasna and Bet Khallaf-—the district
explored, season 1900-1901.

The map shows the main contours of the lower
desert and edge of the higher desert for a distance of
fifteen kilometres, with Mahasna as centre. Along
the edge of the cultivation are the villages Alawniyeh,
Bet Allam, the Maslahet Harun (enclosed), Mahasna
W, Bet, Ilg, Bet Khallaf and Sararwah. The sites of
excavation are enclosed in a double rectangle and
marked with letters as follows.

Site L. Near Alawniyeh, Predynastic Cemetery.

P. 5-

,, M. Near Mahasna, Predynastic Settlement

(S). Pp. 5-8.

„ Near Mahasna, IVth-XIth Dynasty

Necropolis. Pp. 28-35.

„ N. In Mahasna. ? Vlth - Xlth Dynasty

Burials. P. 2.

„ K. Near Bet Khallaf, Illrd Dynasty Tombs.

Pp. 8-27.

To the south of the site lies the Bay of Abydos,
the spur of limestone which bounds it to the north
being visible on the map. On the north it adjoins
the scene of further excavation of a Illrd Dynasty
necropolis discovered in the following season near
Reqaqnah—the results of which are incorporated in
another volume.

The tracing from which this map is prepared was

kindly supplied for the purpose by Capt. Lyons, from
the Survey Department of Public Works.

PL. II. The sites excavated at El Mahasna (M)
and Bet Khallaf (K).

Site M. Position of the tombs at El Mahasna.
This plan shows on a scale of 1 : 3600, the relative
situation of the 500 tombs to one another (p. 2), and
of the more defined portions of the predynastic
settlement to their surroundings (pp. 1, 2, 5). Only
those tombs are inserted which are mentioned in this
volume, as the number was great and the tombs
closely crowded together, while many of them yielded
no information of present interest. The survey points
A, B, C, D, are arbitrarily chosen in a straight line
upon prominent mounds, with the points E and F not
collinear to serve for a base line when necessary. All
the tombs were inserted by plane table with reference
to three base points.

Site K. Situation of the tombs at Bet Khallaf.

In this map are shown, on a scale of 1 : 15,000,
the relative positions of the five great tombs of Bdt
Khallaf with regard to one another and to the village
itself. The prominent contour lines are roughly

K 1 is the tomb of Neter-Khet (p. 8).

K2 is the tomb of Hen-Nekht (or Sa-Nekht)
(p. II).

K 3, K 4, are tombs of servants of Neter-Khet

(P- 15)-

K 5 is the tomb of Nezem Ankh, Ha Prince of

the time of Neter-Khet.

K 6 was an unfinished stairway of a tomb.

Pl. III. El Mahasna. Dish, flint objects and
kiln, predynastic.

(a). Two views of four-legged dish of pottery,
decorated in white lime with human figures, &c.
1:2. L 209. P. 5.

(b). Flint arrows, bracelets, &c, from settlement
(S 1) and vicinity at Mahasna. 1:3. P. 7.

(c). Clay models of flint arrows, figures, &c. 1 :4.
L 209. P. 5.

(d). Kiln of firebricks, with large vessel in posi-
tion, from the settlement (S 1). Two photographic
views. P. 7-

PL. IV. Prehistoric Settlement and Cemetery.

(a). Plan of Prehistoric Cemetery (S 2). The
numbers 1-42 are explained in the letterpress. The
survey points B 2, F 2, are points triangulated with
B and F in the general plan on Pl. II., and were used
as base for plotting the objects found in situ. The
Settlement is named S 2 to distinguish it from another


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