Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gazette des beaux-arts: la doyenne des revues d'art — 8.1860

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Artist (The) : a Narrative from"The Fine Arts.1'
181110, sewed.

Elementary instructions in the art of illumi-
nating and niissal painting on vellum. By
D. Laurent De Lara. Sewed.

A Primer of the art of illumination, for the use
of Beginners; with a Rudimentary treatise
on the art, practical directions for its exercise,
and examples taken from illuminated MSS.
By F. Delamotte. Square 16mo, cloth.

The Art of illuminating, as practised in Europe
from the earliest times_, illustrated by Bor-
ders, Initial Letters, and Alphabets. By W.
R. Tymms. With an Essay and Instructions
by Mr. Digby Wyatt. Imp. 8vo, cloth.

A Guide to Beginners in the art of illumination.
By Albert H. Warren. 12mo, cloth.

Modem Painters. Vol. 5, completing the work,
and containing : Parts 6, of Lea Beauly; 7,
of Gloud Beauty; 8, of Ideas of Relation, of
Invention Formai; 9, of Ideas of Relation, of
Invention Spiritual. By John Ruskiu, M. A.
Impérial 8vo, illustrated, pp. 400, cloth.

Anecdote Biography : William Hogarth, Sir
Joshua Reynolds , Thomas Gainsborough ,
Henry Fuseli, Sir Thomas Lawrence, and J.
M. W. Turner. By John Timbs. 12mo.
pp. 380, cloth.

Memoir of the Lifeof Ary Schelfer. By Mrs. G; ote.
2dedit. 8vo, pp. 220, cloth.


Costume in England : a History of dress from
the earliest period until the close of the 18th
century, etc. By F. W. Fairholt, F. S. A.
2d edit. post 8vo, pp. 619, cloth.

Legends of the Saints and Martyrs, as repre-
sented in Christian art. By Mrs. Jameson.
New édition, with numerous etchings and
woodeut Illustrations. 2 vol. square crown

Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented
in Christian art. By Mrs. Jameson. New édi-
tion, with numerous etchings and woodeut
illustrations. Square crown 8vo.

Legends of the Madonna, as represented in
Christian art. By Mrs. Jameson. Second
édition, with 27 etchings, and 165 woodeut
illustrations. Square crown 8vo.

The Symbols and Emblems of early and me-
diœval Christian art. By Louisa Twining.
4to, 1852; pp. 200, with 93 plates of figures.
Types and Figures of the Bible. Illustrated by
the art of the early and middle ;iges. By
Louisa Twining. 4to, 1855; pp. 124, with
54 plates of fligures.

Emblems of Saints, by which they are distin-
guislied in Avorks of art. By F. C. Husen-
beth. 2d edhvl2mo, pp. 331, cloth.

Annual of scientific discovery; or, Year-Book
of facts in science and art for 1860. Edited
by David A. Wells, A. M. Post 8vo. (Boston.)
pp. 430, cloth.


Caravage (Polydore de). — Aiguière, gravée à
Peau-foi te, d'après un dessin de la collection
du Louvre, par M. Léon Gaucherel.

Claire Christine. — Portrait de Daniel Stem,
gravé d'après le dessin original par M. Léo-
pold Flameng.

Dedreux (Al.). — La Paix et la Guerre, par A.

Degroux (Charles). — Le Prêche de Junius
(Salon de Bruxelles, 1860), eau-forte de
M. Léopold Flameng.

Dubufe(E.).— S. A. le Prince impérial, par
Henriquel Dupont.

Di rer (Albert). — La Sainte Trinité, eau-
forte de M. Léon Gaucherel, d'après un des-
sin de la collection de M. Fr. Reiset.

Gérard (F.). — Bataille d'Austerlitz, par F.

Gérôme. — Tête de Négresse, eau-forte de
M. Gérôme lui-même.

Goya. — Don Quichotte, fac-similé d'un dessin
gravé à l'eau-forte par M. Bracquemond.

Greuze. — Danaé, tableau tiré de la collection
de M. Bonnet, gravure à Peau-forte de M. Léo-
pold Flameng.

Hauslr (Gaspard). — Portrait de Frédéric