Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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322 Roman

Constans, son of Constantine the Great,

his rule in Africa, inscriptions relating

to him, 274
Constantine the Great, he defeats Lici-

nius and becomes sole emperor, 267 ;

inscriptions relating to him and his

sons, 270-273
Constantius Chlorus, Emperor, merits

of, his rule influenced by his wife

Helena, 261
Constantius, son of Constantine the

Great, memorials of, 275
Cornelia, Salonina, wife of Gallienus,

Emperor, memorial of, 241
Cothon, meaning of the word, 21
Crispina, wife of Commodus, memorial

of, at Thamugas, 194
Cyrene, its foundation, 4 ; transferred to

the Romans by Ptolemy Apion, 18

Df.CIUS, persecution of Christians in

Africa, 237 ; inscriptions relating to

him, 238
Dioceses explained, 258
Diocletian, his remarkable rise, 253 ;

inscriptions relating to him, 259 ;

persecution of Christians in Africa,

263 ; division of the Empire, 266
Domitius, L. Alexander, governor of

Africa, proclaims himself Emperor,


Education, spread of, in Africa in the

second century, 128
Egrilianus, C. Cornelius, his munificence

at Theveste, 48
El-Kahina, the Joan of Arc of North

Africa, 233
Emesa in Syria and its Temple of the

Sun, 213

Epitaphs of worthy men and women,

Faustina the younger, memorials in her

honour, 192
Fertility of the soil of North Africa

attested by Pliny the Elder, 57
Firmus, a distinguished Moor, heads a

revolt against Valentinian and is

defeated, 280
Fronto of Cirta, his friendly relations

with Marcus Aurelius, 143 ; his

career, 145 ; memorial at Kalama,


Galba, afterwards Emperor, proconsul
of Africa, 41


Gallienus, son of Valentinian, memorial
of, 241

Gallus, Emperor, successor of Decius,

inscriptions relating to, 239
Genseric, invasion of North Africa, 245
Geta, inscription relating to him, 204
Getulians, 5

Gordian I. proclaimed Emperor at Thys-

drus, 223 ; his defeat by Capellianus

and suicide, 223
Gordian II., his short career, 223
Gordian III., several memorials in his

honour, 224-227 ; a promoter of art,


Gracchus, Caius, his attempts at coloni-
sation unsuccessful, 14, 33

Gratianus, Emperor, inscriptions relating
to him, 286

Gregorius, governor of Africa, 91 ; his
defeat by the Arabs, 124 ; inscription
relating to him, 296

Gyaris, island of, 150

Hadrian, his first visit to Africa, 105 ;

second visit, inspection of the camp

at Lambassis, 107
Hadrumetum, an ancient port, 65
Helena, mother of Constantine the

Great, memorial of, 262
Heliogabalus, his contemptible reign, 211;

inscription bearing his name, 212
Herennius and Hostilianus, sons of

Decius, memorials of, 238
Hippo Diarrhytus, its rise as a colony ;

peculiarity of its currents, 64
Historians, the principal ancient authori-
ties on North Africa, 103
Honorius, his weak rule, 289; memorials

of, 290

IcosiUM, the ancient Algiers, an inscrip-
tion mentioning it, 42

Inscriptions, self-laudatory, 80, 82, 130;
the last Roman one, 296

Jol, afterwards Julia Caesarea, a Phoe-
nician port, 26

Juba I., his sad end, 17

Juba II., his distinguished career, 25 ;
his patronage of literature and the arts,
26 ; his existing sepulchre described,

Jugurtha, his remarkable career, 15
Julia Cassarea, capital of Juba II., its

monumental remains, 31
Julia Domna, 49 ; her extraordinary in-
fluence, 201 ; memorials in her honour,
202, 203