Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Roman Africa

Pise, method of building with, described, j

Plautilla, wife of Caracalla, mentioned
in an inscription, 202

Pliny the Elder in praise of fertility of
soil of North Africa, 57

Pliny the Younger, his intimacy with
Marcus Aurelius, 60

Pompeianus, a governor of Africa, his
country seat, and its interesting re-
mains, 292 ; inscription recording his
name, 291

Pontifex Maximus, origin of the title ex-
plained, 224

Prsecilius of Cirta, his tomb and re-
markable epitaph, 81

Pneses explained, 255 ; inscription re-
cording the use of the tide, 257

Prsetorian guard : temporary disband-
ment, 199 ; their despotism and cruelty,

Praetorium at Lambaesis described, 1S6
Prefect of the Prsetorian guard, a man of

high distinction, 259
Priscus, Marius, proconsul of Africa,

tried for corrupt practices, 61
Probus, Emperor, memorial of, 250
Proconsuls, corrupt practices, 60

Quadi, and their tactics, 163
Quietus, Lusius, governor of Mauritania,

Quinquegentians, their rebellion, 245 ;
defeated by Maximian, 258

Regulus, M. Attilius, his attack on

the Carthaginian fleet, 3
Reservoirs in North Africa: one near

Kairouan described, 111
Roads, classes of, 40, 66 ; super-
intendents of, 67 ; principal roads at

end of second century, 182
Romans, our indebtedness to them, 305
Romanus, governor of Africa, brought to

trial and condemned, 282
Rome, the thousandth anniversary in

time of Philip the Arab, 235
Rufus, L. Passienus, honoured with a

triumph, 42

Sabina, wife of Hadrian, 119

Sabinia Tranquillina, wife of Gordian

III. : memorials of, 227
Saldse, and its water supply, 112
Sallust, proconsul of Africa, 25
Salt us, meaning of, 189 ; the principal ■

ones, 191

Scillium, its monumental remains, 82

Scipio Africanus and the close of the

second Punic war, 11
Septimiana explained, 214
Septizonium explained, 203
Severus, Alexander, 213 ; inscriptions

relating to him, 214; subject to his

mother's influence, 217
Severus, Septimius, his powerful rule,

199; inscriptions, 200-203
Sexfascales, inscription relating to, 2S4
Sicca Veneria in the time of Constantine,


Sigus, an old Numidian city, 84

Simittu: Trajan's bridge, 72; its re-
nowned marble quarries, 74

Sitifis, its rise and prosperity, 51

Sittius, Publius, his services, 34

Soaemias, Julia, mother of Heliogabalus,
208 ; memorial of, 212

Soldiers, privileges of, 170; their
services in times of peace, 171 ; me-
morials of, 173-185

Solomov cixv. Byzantine general, 46

Sophoni- ja, story of, 8

Students, u emorials of, 130

Sufes, a noU .1 town, 123

Sufetula, its rise and prosperity, 123 ;
its last days, 124 ; monumental re-
mains and inscriptions, 126

Syphax, his wayward career, 7 ; his
defeat, 9

Tacfarinas, the Numidian : his strug-
gles with the Romans, 34 ; his defeat
after seven years' war, 35

Tacitus, Emperor, merits of, 249

Temple at Theveste converted into a
canteen, 51

Thabraca, its position and remains,
69 ; island of, 70

Thamugas, its foundation, 88; later
history, 91 ; monumental remains,
92 ; inscriptions, 100

Theodosius, the general, his successful
campaigns, 287

Theodosius the Great, memorials of,

Theodosius II., 295

Theveste, its history, 44; the basilica,
45 ; other monumental remains,

Tholus, meaning of, 47
Thysdrus, the town of, 229 ; its amphi-
theatre described, 230; subsequent
history, 233
Tiberius, dedication to, 43
Tibilis, its extensive remains, 146
Trajan, his interest in the provinces of
the Empire, regulates the corn supply
from Africa, 55 ; his benevolence, 85