Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hamilton, William; Kirk, Thomas
Outlines from the figures and compositions upon the Greek, Roman and Etruscan vases of the late Sir William Hamilton: with engraved borders — London, 1814

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one of the original volumes has been published
since his death. There has also lately been
published in Paris a most beautiful and magnifi-
cent work, entitled, " Peintnres de Vases Anti-
ques." The drawings and engravings of which
are admirably executed by M. Clener, and accom-
panied by an elaborate Introduction, and a de-
scription of the subjects, by M. Millin. * It
is in two volumes, folio, and perhaps the best
work upon the subject ever published. The
subjects are chiefly taken from vases, which are
at Malmasinon, in the French Museum, the Impe-
rial Library, and in some private collections.
A few of them are from the most celebrated
vases, which are now in this country. There was
another object also, which Mr. Kirk always kept
in view, and that was, the rejection of all those
designs from his collection, which tended in any
degree to indelicate expression. The various
beautiful borders which surround these designs,
were not so placed in the original vases, but
served there, merely to ornament the handles,
and other parts; nor were the border and figures,
which are upon the same Plate in this work,

i: A few copies of this splendid book have been imported by
the Publisher of the present work.