Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Abdollatiph, an Arabian writer, quoted,

Abomination of the Egyptians, what was
the, 151, 1G0, 204.

Aboo-simbul, the temple of, 246.

Abraham, particulars concerning him,
132, 164, 204.

Abydus, the tablet of, 23.

Akerblad's solution of the Rosetta Stone
inscription, 36.

Alexandria, the city of, 287.

Alphabet, the ancient Egyptian, its enig-
matical character, 55, 58.

Amenophis, 157.

America, the name in Egyptian pho-
netics, 61.

Amosis, his expulsion of the shepherd
kings, 157.

Amosis was the " king that knew not
Joseph," 217.

Animals, the sacred ones of Egypt, 152,

Antoninus, his name upon the zodiac of

Esneh, 49.
Aphophis and Assis, two shepherd kings

of Egypt, 156.
Apis, the sacred bull of Egypt, 247,268.
Arabia, her intercourse with Egypt, 167.
Arable land, good in Goshen, 209.
Archaeology, Egyptian study of, 19.
Aridity of the Egyptian atmosphere, 70,


Ark of bulrushes, 230.
Army of Egypt, 260.
Arts, the, applied only to the useful, 78,

Arts of design plentifully found on Egyp-
tian tombs, 77.

Asenath, Joseph's wife, 186.

Asphaltum or mineral pitch, used upon
the ark of bulrushes, 231.

Asses, shown by monumental inscrip-
tions, to have been in Egypt, 163.

Astronomy, early taught in Egypt, 20.

Atmosphere in Egypt, state of, 70, 138.

Augustus Ca:sar, his title found upon the
zodiac of Dendera, 49.

Authenticity of the books of Moses, es-
tablished, 284.

Baker, the office of, at Pharaoh's court,

Baking, well understood by the Egyp-
tians, 265.

Banhes, Mr., deciphers the Phila; obelisk
inscription, 45.

Barley in Egypt, when gathered, 232,

Bas-reliefs always accompanied by hie-
roglyphic inscriptions, 75.

Beard, the, not regarded by the Egyp-
tians, 175, 202, 214.

Beni-Hassan, fine grottoes and curious
paintings to be found there, 103.

Bethshemesh, the city of, 187, 203.

Bible, evidence for, 19 ; its authority on
early history, 23 ; why corroborative
testimony to its truth so much sought
for, 129 ; its own testimony valuable,
130 ; testimony to its truth afforded
by the ancient records of Egypt, 159 ;
and bv recent discoveries, 281, 286;
its truth not dependent on evidence
found by scientific researches, 291.

Blood, water changed into, the plague
of, 243.