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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 17.1781

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H I C K r's



or 'The origin a l

Calcutta General Advertifer.

A Weekly Political and Csmmercial Paper, Open to all Parties,] but influenced by None,

6o From Saturday May 12 to Saturday May the 19 th 1781. No. XYtf

yWW£y&££'&& ^^^C^^J^^^^^C ncceflarv particulars, and an Interview fliallbs could have expected or wifhed for. The fif fe-
ll* •*' j«f *£. 31 S^t «3f ^ 4f appointed diicctly. is the tame and Spiritlefs Submiffion with

* . T T T„[, pot-c;" ' ' °~~ 4—"""*"--......■»•-——•- which the hravy and never tobe"cffaecd ftigmS

NOW IN MiE. fK&sa j J ITTLE TaRQUIN Liliputian Secreta- caft tiport the whole body of infantry Oftlcrsl

r ttttt r' Dr- oTT'>r-cutt\ I I j ry on fitiding his Amorous Frolic ex- from the Commandcriu .Chief to the linfi^n,

SPEEDILY WILL BE PU.JL.5HED , fed tQ th(. dcr&iffion the M,y} 0f it (by the appointment-of an Aniiiery Officer *>

at- pVtnTINTG OFFICE I deferred, went to Confult with Poolbun- P°nd«a ^eDeuchment deftined to the Coaft,)
AT HL> 'KI!V 1JNU ylUtI" , ,' , ..„■. >■ r> r has been received! as who mould lav, vc are

in CALCUTTA. j £ on the bafdfbip offers Cnie.-•--■ a rce] of Blockheads from'the firft to the laft

THE New Bve-Law property JifculTed, \Jr<mbunij being a fellow- itffrerer trom ofvCi there is W one I deem'rworthy of" this
defined and differed, Paragraph bv j the' late Pafqtiinade of Lt. Col. H'.cky, truil, which fherefoie I feka a Man from an-
Paragraph", lullv Explained by the cleareft | very fagely advifed the little Secretary to'.; other Corps to repofc It on," yet againft ibis

co)nment< taken from the higheft Legal and I rettrain the impetuofity of his n>J?e.-•.) Act of equal injuflice and dif^race, net one

conftitutional Authorities, adapted to the i Lkrie Tarquin urged that the Cbawbuck- '■ Man-like murmur is heard.—And what claim,
mcaneft Capacitv. Whicii will prove a very ! „ i l- •,% °j ' 1 r> r • :, I has that favoured Pageant of fond and blind

Le,T,.v Pocket Manual, not only for this, wf "dmmiftetied on th*Pdat^r in \ ^ u> ^ fe)l.aion , wHl(.

but fuct«e<W Generations, to (new how Which he at, and not upon his own dell- | Merits except ncify and ind.fcriminate profef-

' cate Shoulders, which he prefumed alter- ; fions of attachment to his Pattern; but w hat-
ed the pofitldn, and rendered the Para- | ever his abilities may be 1:1 his own line I fan-
graph Scdttdalitm Magnatunt. Poolbundy j <7 be has already ftiqwi) a Sufficient want of
with great Learned accuracy replied, that ' li,em as a Genera] to warrant the loudeft

careful! out Wife Anccftorj have been to
protect, us, our Lives, Liberties, and Properties.

To the P Q BLIC.
rT^ME great demand for the Original Bcn-

TtJc great uemana 10r111cvyug111.11 i»<-u- . D , , - • -

8il "Gazette has indued Mr. Hicky t0 \^ 1 fwaj-:in on tne prefenc occafion
PublHh th^m inVolumns, which are now to be K^ch was a fpecial Cale ) would be
had bound or unbound a^ His Printing'Office confidered in Law as firnilar to ?. Gocd
in the Radda Baazar. j thick. Great Cert, which has fuved the flcin

ROPOSALS for printing a Magazine bv j ot' many a delinquent.

iJubfcription, to be Publifhed the firft J
Weduefdav in every Month by I. A. HICKY '
under the following Title.


0 r


O f

Mr H I C 'K Y
do not fuppofe that the Mogul will take
the advice or you, or indeed of any one,
out of his Circle of Sycophants and flat-
terers ; otherw'ife the belt ftcp he could take to
raife the Credit of the Company's B inds would
be to give public notice that they would be tak-
en for Salt at the proportion of 4 Annas in the
Rupee, nay a plan of that kind would not only

Wit and Humour. prevent the Hoods 'A'Hing at the fcandalous

P, . „ ,. , r ■ ■ »,v„. :„ ,t ■ difcount thev do (which it is faid was e nr. Cc.

xm four Rupees., bubfcripttons taken in at •■ 1 ?

. rV •' id.-v . lalt \Veek] but promote r!ic Sales or the S. t

the Original Printing; OincS. 1 . . . _'.■ ', r, „'

_*_*_^_! and bn.n| in ready v.aih too, ascv;ry 5,000

Rupees payment in Bon is mud be accompani-
ed by j 5,000 R ps. in :VKmev and fo in propor-
tion. Th.)' I h ive only faid Salt, all Goods of
the Company's is meant.

Now that I am .vldr fling, you I will menti-
on another Subjeft which in.my of your Read-
ers maybe intcrelted in. I mean all who may

Hatkim'jnv—To th2. P'air Sex.

;5\5?C Gentleman under 30 of an agree-
iji -iC able Perfon—found conftitiition,

1% A ^ and few Vices, is defirous of en-
j£ tering into the Holy State of

^jJOSC^H^ Wedlock, provided he oould
tiidui B:iz:ilx Lady poffelTed of the follow-
ing qualifications.

-Her ay;e from 15 to 25, a tolerable fhare of
B«uty, a great jiortion of pliability of Tem-
per, of Decent Cast or parentage, and the
ufuaT Education of the Country, Ditncin^ no
way necefiary, nor Religion; (the latter will
not be enquired into), as in this Country the
Ladies aic of all Colours and CoMPLECTt-
OWs, a few /hades one way or the other, will
rot be regarded, ptovided there is an equiva-

Your conftant Render

lent counterbalance of Cash, to render matters Calcutta May 8th, 1781. Publicus.

Confutes on fo unjuft a preference.-

'i'he fecond Inftancc fli'al'J be fent you herc-

Your Conftant Reader.
Ci ito.


IDo not know that ever I met with a nwe
drflatis^cd let of Mortals than the generali-
ty of the Europeans of Calcutta. Before Hfe
deaths of General Clavcrlng, arid Col.
Mcnfon the common cry was, all private trade
inufl be Ron ruined for want of a ciiculatiou
of Cafh-to carry it on ; it being concluded that

at the raie G--1 went on ; i« a or 3

Years more, all the current Specie cf thtf'.
Country mufl be in the Company's hands ;
it was well known there was at one time near
130 lacks of Rupees in the different [Tvcafuriyt
—---Well Sir " afhrewxland ipjtjfiious Fi-
nancier taking this weighty matter, in hand, hje
immediately f*t about remedying this flit'.r kii
grievance, and in a ffiort lime did it fo efFed!
ualiyj that they fay he did not leave, two Ru-.
pecs to rub one sgninft each other; nay to put
it out cf any fuccefl'ors powcrtobc guilty ol the
have Buildings to carry on next Year, to look I abfurdity above (mentioned for a confidciable
about fecurin* Chunam in time, as the Ma-
jority of what will come from Sillet,' is made

furc of by certain Friends of the Public-

for the Calcutta Drains &c. &c.

In th? Uond affairs I have not mention'd
Ned Silent, as it is well known that the Mo-
gul never gives him th'- trouble of confulting
him unlefs regarding a Sop he intends giving
feme of his Dependants.

f/nicth and pleafant. ■ As the Gentleman's
views arc lerioufly honourable, it is hoped the
Ladies will not cenfider this as a Joke, and
anfwer it only to gratify female curiofty.

jThe Gentleman is a European, and r -
ttnarkably Fair, a circumflance which he
flattcis himfelf will have due weight, and as be
111"jtis to continue fome Years in India, this is
a fine opportunity for a Widow wiih a Join*
fare, or for the Daughter of a Native

M i-.rckavt williin^ to fettle in the tVirld----

Pieatc to direct a Line to T. Srr.vERTON Elqj
to be l«.ft ntthe Pi inter> 'rill call'd for—De-

* iibi.ig QMi'.Kficauons, Fortun?, and 0;!:"-


THERE bein* generally a little Rivalry
between the Civil and Military Ser-
vantsfon this Eftablifhmenr, I have always
djfaproved of therefleilions fometimcs caft uj>-
< n the latter by the former --- " that they do
" not jioffes that fndcp"n.lsnt Spirit fo fuit.i-
" ble to their Profeflion, whi< h is confptcucus
" in Eu'opfMi Seryicrfl "— becaufe mo ft ge-
neral reflefllons arid in the main uniuft: but


acknowledge thit two recent Inflances
liave ainioft inclined me to believe, that there
is greats.-feundativ:. for this' Ce: fur:, :h:.r or-:

time at lcaft) he has run theflatein debt to e-
very one who would truft it. This one
would have thought mud have made him
an univerfal favourite, quite the contrary ( s
you well know) and becaufe he gave an oppor*
trinity to 3 or 4 worthy Characters to ferve
thcmlelves a little, at the fame time they were
adding to the honmr of thej£nglifli name and

the profit of theC-v 5 many truly have

given their tonguos a freedom ; but thank G< d
we have the pl'rafure to fee that he perfeveres

with X noble O--Rcfdution, fuperioi to.

the voice of praife or cenlure, unlefs when
the firft comes from the amiable, polite, :■ id
virtuous tongues of a S—n an A— s—a—-1
whom he has had the happinefs of Meeting, .
unbend his mind to and enjoy the fwects of

foclety with.-

Your i:r partiality andefteem for real menr.i
will I doubt not nuke \ou publifli this feint at-,
tempt t»do JufticetO one of the iwH Char oilers
of the Age.--■


S—S^—r May 6tb 17S1.