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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 21.1781

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Calcutta General Advertifer

A IVakh Pt-itic.-.l xt.i G>nimirci«l Paptr, Ot>in U all Parties, hut infiuevctd by None,

73 From Saturday June 9th. to Saturday June the 16th 1781. [No. XXI]

Sfr % ff^SJv^ : tedy, injudicious, Scriblers as J. L.! [would be much more wife to endeavour

To the I' U B LLC. j fecmstobe-, fo that what he fays on that to conceal them, than to feem to adopt;

nrvTE Rtrat demand for the Original Ben- '' ^ead, mud be palled by, with the Con- them, This puts me in mind of a long
5. gal Gazette has inJuced Itfrf Hicky to tempt it deferves, indeed it is difficult Letter, v/rittcn by an old Bifnop, to the
piulifh theminVoluMiwi, which are now ro be to unravel hi* Ideas, furely he do's not King of Spain, fomc time previous to
j.iJ bound or unbound at his Printing OJice moan to become the Champion ol Vice! j the Expulfibn of the Jefuits from thac
.MtatiiaJJa daazar.______ j if he does, I make no doubt but that he ! Kingdom, complaining bitterly of tho

sr*«loi>n<i\T « eZ ■ ,• m • 7 '.will find numbers,-even in this Country ' great dcclenfion then apparent in ths
i j v . r. u ->/\ t.>r nnntm1 a i\la>azine hv i , ? ..... . ■ r a. i xt • j

^ Suhfcri|rti«»n- to be l-Htbirfffcd the fi'rt ! to oppoie him; who will dupole any jm- > rcJpccr, and veneration due to the

potent Menace of his, as much as they | Churh of Rome, by the numberlcfs Pal-,
mutt, the extreme Imbecility of reafon* ! quinades, and Scandal's, daily propagau
ing. if there ever ex'ided in this or arty,! ed agaiiui the Spanilh Clergy-, to which
other Country a Man, famous only for j the King gave this laconic Anfwcr, the

Jnefdav in every Moth by j, A. HICKY

jndcr tiie following T't'e.

t U e

B E N G A "L

4 G J Z I N E, | the number and magnitude of his crimes; \furrjl wey to ccnccv.1 crimes, is r.ct to

who contrary to the Conviction or His
Mind, not only in many ol tiu common
Occurrences, of bulinels, Proved him-
felf a Contemner of the Laws of his
Country-, but openly and daringly tranf-
theGn*fii.il Printing Office, j grefs'd them, recommending Extortion,

and judifying Qpprehion for his own Pri-
ate Hmolum.-nts; and the eratihciticn




Wit ax:-> !f[jmouh.

ription* taken in.at

Mr. H I C K Y

t H-C'RE is in the lad India I of an unwarrantable Ambition, whole

j ^ w^ww^v c i^uj, Sign'd j un;ud Prejudices, Partialities, low cun-

M ^ Vs v,'ho fceVns'nsuch of- hing, and infatiable Avarice, had ren-

fa fended at a m >derh Pub!:- J dered him obnoxious, to ev

cow ~ir.it thcyn..

I ill all now conclude with Mr. J. L.
and make him a prefent of a Scrap of
Latin, if he do's not underdand it (of
which I have doubts) perhaps fomc of
his friends, amongd the Portugucfe CI
fry. may affift him.-


I'aljiis honor juvat, el fnen^ax infamia
terrct, cv.itn? nifi mevaonm, et mendaccrr.,

Marlon n.

Mr, HIC K Y.

«£ ^if^ cation (which the Public | Man, when fuch Vices are expofed and T ately looking over your Account of a

w-ii Judge'to be louie of your's) where-
in tiu' he fpeaks oi Deqefl.ey, H; gar-
ni h-s his Paltry, ftijpkl i^rfor.nance,
with Epithets m>-e b.'Cimin.; a P.jrtcr,
than a Genilcianj tho'the iubject an.1
ic/le of it, is as audi below Contempt,
as the very wbrft of your Friend NV.i-
M jc.'c's, whof: Pupil perhaps he is, yet
there appears fuch a vein of Arrogance,
and Self-fa!ficienyy imxt with mu;h Ig-
norance thro' the whole of it, that it is
proprr, th it this conceited Effayid Mr.
J. L,. fliould know what is thought of
the Empcinefs of his bloated production,
lead he ll)ouid mifcondruc fdence on the
iubjecf bv idppohng it a token of Ap-

The P onrncfs of Men inHucnced by
Miiice and Envy; to leifen and injure the
Meritorious Part of Mankind, is ccr-
Juhly much to be lamented, as well as
any ungenerous Attempt, kt the Provo-
cation be ever fo great; of marring the
comforts of domcdic Quier, which eve-
ry Man fnouldenjoy tothe utmoll Extent
under his own Rbjf» otherwife itwouldbe
mapofuble, not to involve the innocent
•with the guilty, I don't believe that the
Gentlemen in high dations here (whom
lie alludes to) will thank Mr, ]. }_,. for
fuppofing, that any ihould think them,


contemn your Doclrme.% as much, as they
would diipife your peribh (if known)
that t!ic meaned Subject: of England
(lefs than whom 1 hold fuch sj you) is
as much Protected in his Life, Liberty
and property, as the greated; by good,
old, wholcfomc laws; which ; you feem
to be objects ofderifien, or Infult; they j to be a ftrangcr to. That Indigence pio-
furely! are too confeious of their owh perly belongs to infatiable Avarice, and
honor, and Rectitude-, for a moment to Ignorance, to thofc that violate the Laws:
harbour fo unworthy a thought-, I da.-e fay Let thoje dread and tremble that,do a-
liiat tL-y_ will leave thofe unbecoming, mifs. If his Confciencc tells him that
2fl*p!.tpt r'AlEilcm. te d~ch i;:.cohetc;^ thofe 'flees bejoug ti Isim, furelv it

known toexiit,is it not highly meritori-
ous lo exprefs a juift Abhorrence of fo
odious a Character?" is it not due to the
Public, to prevent fich Enormities in
others? is it not alio due to the Pcrfon
pointed at, to work (if poujble) a Re-
formation in his Conduct:; for example,
Will a Gentleman who !ns long been
high in Office as well as Edeem on this
fide of the Cape, and whom I reckon
to be a Man of PJonor, and a Friend
to his Country, attribute to himfelfa-
ny one of tiie vices above quoted? the
Anfwcr is fhort, no; and the realbn is
plain, nwltiiiil abltidit imago Do's this
doughty, felf fufficient upilart Mr, J, L.
fuppoie himfelf addrefling, a few trem-
bling Suderers, in the bloody Inquititi-
011 of Goa? do's he want to propagate
the unworthy popillj Slavifn docdrinc,
01 paffive obedience and noli rehdeance
in a Britifla Settlement? No, Mr Inqui,-
fltor j. L. pray learn hereafter, that you
addfefs a free cnbehten'd People, who

|__/ plot, which tcem'cl to h: fonnrd againik
you bv an Attack upon your Houfc; and
comparirig it with the Combination which,
your bone ft Strictures cn Corruption, Malice,
Hypncrif'yj and Ayaricc, mult have ruifrd a-
C-ii 11ft Vpuj I cannot for a moment hciilats
or doubt (,.n;\v I know the fact to be fo) that
the above junto, together with m*ny of
their kindred Vices, w;ll contrive every dark
diabolical cowardly, Scheme again ft you, thaf
the Author of Lies, and vice cai\ Suggcft to
them their Toad Eaters, petty-forgers, and.
Pickthanks: there have been many vile plots,
fucri as the Rye Hiuft flit, The Mfal tub
plot, fht, Pcfrjh lltt, and innumerable othci-,,
wr.ich io the J''nd ra;r,ed down Vengeance,
and brought indeiiU'.e difgracej on the heads
of the Contrivers; to (hew that you hayf
little to fear, at leaft from any open Attack?
of the aboye four low upftaits, 1 that know
and defrfc their MachinHtiyns, can give y<n|
their Cbarajftorsj the firft is a Coward, ths
next is a Fool, the third is cofnpolcd of in,-
prci'.ieiits tpk'.'n from the two former, and tho
fourth is too conteivptable to bear any Cha»
racier; Next to liberty, a<id the prpt.t.dtion duj
10 a Bi'itifb Subjcdt, there's rothing niore fa-
ciei!, more dear, to the people of Kn^land,
than the librrty of the Prefs, I ain juuki:-.-
drd that Millions would brcjomc as Manyrs
at it's Altaic, lie deftrce of it is a Caul- of
(iloiy, of honor. It is inconct ival !c \vh,ar 3
Man of determined Courage may do, in dr-
frncc f.f his honor, his I:'l>city, or lilej VVc
icad in the R< man H'ftoi v of two br.vc Men,
who kept a whole A""y at Bvy in dtl>nd*
ing a Bridge- Charhf tfre iutf.h t e'rftjuff
of his Houl'e at Bcndc , a-amti a ') U'kHii
Aimv, »'jl] never be foi^otun. 1 Juscfjuf
many \ cars futce) Known an Ir.ftanc.e, rf
a bisve It.tbon dctendintr his ho-ule, in ^ C.i*
:v of Turkey at'aiufl a lirfi'.aw at the hca4

a ac-po $i<l& >h 90 oi v>lw hv Jidi'iJ w.4