Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 29.1781

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CcztisKtJ t:iY hj}. i-v~, as that o"f Ac C'hiUren, Governed, .ui-j "Jl Stillas Watch and 'Clock.

„ i , ■ ,v i i ■' i Mittrfifs, to whom Vou»t MiTs-is tops lent I {Vg miil<»-r nnH l n<- AH^ntt,,


J thu r.e is always present to her a£Ksui3,
-and aeqttain'ed with her thoughts, anil this
will occafion that hahiM.il attention) to rrSi
thought* and actions, anil refpc^l for hereon?
cipiic's without which it is imputliblc for anv
"Women to m.ike either a iroo.l Wife, or a i^ood
Tnorh'r. Th: almichtv has f<» formcJ our
minds, that i' is irap..ti.We ftraav Lh!:rr. to con-
vey fubftantial fatisfaiiion, if unaccompanied
toy a confciousncEs r,f his approbation, and as
this cannot peffib.y be it-It', but by thofr
•whole jencral courfc of actions are the rcktlt
of a religious Hi in.', a Woih.iu de,!i:u:e or re-
Sigion cannot have fuch a F'clitii for the inno-
cent plcafures to be .found, at hun.-, as will
lead her to prefer it, to dfflipation, ahrl
•enable her to be t.nif»r;nly chrarful and
ar reia'-'eco the partner of her retired houo
like a Clip at fsa, without either cotnpafs or
•rudder, it is impoiiEblc for her to keep in a pro-
per vcurfe driven bv every wind, 'that blows,
flire&rd ( n!y by her appetites.and paffioiis, how
can fire bear i:p ag; nnft the it )i m, or .'.'Void be-
ing wrecked by the tcmptWSmis that furrotini

;thc Miftrefygenerally lives in ha- Parlour-

.•hr-r ? co prepare her for the danrers Hie mu,ft en-
counter, fbe fhould be Well acqirrinred with the

rfpedrarou-ForHjce's citlcourtss to yvtuih|

Women, Dr. Gregory** ad vice to his daughter
IMrs. L ha nones lettor-s ro the Impiowme-u
*>f the nnnd, Guardians, Ramblers, Adven-

(turers, &5c,-and if fc? knows the Hiliorn

*>f Bngland, and of the Rornans 1V> riiucb th
■bctt;'. This kind of trading, wi.ll inform, and
polilh her mind, at the fame time thru it will
guard her heart. Site fhould be well informed
in all domestic concerns, fa as to be ahlc to
arP.fr her mother in the infpection an I direction
r,t the famih.:. A hovel fiiould never enter th
Doors, /-ycept inly Julia Ma-udcvilla an 1
f iridiums wjikv.) for they pive wi'niig tnrns

of thinking-lead*. yottii? nvftjJs to forrVi

abfurdjl )e;:r. of Characlt-r, to expect to meet
'with th;>fe, wh'cil i.O not «xill and to »St ro-
an ■jjricaliy, in o.i.lerto Copy the painting thm
is drav/ii oat of nature, ^si i winch abuinj:
in rverv novel I ever lead, except the above,
a*!-! perhaps one or CwfJ othrrs, that 1 tray for-
get, add to tin*, novel's a_c full of warm i'e-
icriptions, run entirely on th? fuhjeot of love
convey y'e'iy b'ofo idea*, ail I CcfpfdStlt vicious
Character,-ina li^ht, that fo far conceals their
enormity as to prevent their di'gultiiia; as thev
Otr«bt to do. Young female minds tmuiU be
iCtrcfaUy attended to, they need no incentives,
lh; temper, and difpevfitiofi fhould be Vfatched
from tnc CraJie, and corrciteil, where neccf-
fary. T'has educated, a younj Woman i

vjtaihrie in the K;uJda Baazar. Bigs
leave to at <]iiaiiit the Ladies and Gr n-
lcntcn of Crre Settlement tiiat He has
taken a Hoiife in the Loll Baaz&r next
door to Mr. Lirrerta, vvlierc He repairs
and Cleans all kind, of Clocks anil-

To he- S O L D.
Spot of Garden ground, Confining
of one. fijggah and four Cottahs
near Cofiey-pore pkafantly fituatcd on
the iJanks of tiie Ganges, with a good
Carriage Road.

hot particulars plcafe to enquire of
Mr. LilCKY at his tfrintfr'g Office: in
the Raddfl Baazar, at Calcutta.

and only yo'vrs n.iw.i / the Hoarders at pircicu-
"liouis of the Day. I kno.v that iii .ina of :be
greile t Scools njar {' ).vn,the ali.trefs gOiS
n among her young toadies but once a I)..y — |
juit before {lie. takes Tier airing in l»er Carriage,
file youn^ Ladies live all iJ.iv together witli
a Govetnet's or two--* and yet. this is the life
it fcems, that is to polifll them, more than
the Company of their iVlothei andlier Friends !
Mtir the- f i u'.h, is too many m itheis now a-d,ivs
pi efer the company oftheii' admirers to th.it or
th'etr Children— and would raiiier de^iade
thenfelves in the Eyes even of their paramours,
tlian fulliii their Duties to the Almighty, their
Hufbands, and their Children I—■■ _ ;

1 laving lent Mifs oflFfrom her boarding ft hool
wh- ie fhelias !n general exchanged any modelty,
i-altifuinrfs, rimocciice,and love, f truth, t!i<a
(he cai i it d inii. it - lot A-nr. ncc—mfallibi v f.i
a.ierfecl Acq'tjintatice m h V c.) i turn for x-
travigance, 1 ontemptof K ujaiity and r?at1uieis
Of inventing faif-hoods, and Conce.i'ing tru hs
for th s is hdnVX bly lau^iit L tdies, b; feaich.
trig th'-m for fruit, and Lexers, on tneii rctui-
i*ilag from Vifus, which leads them to put any
Billets for iiie:r friends, .* r ftuit with n i hen
Slavs, or ether Concealments— thus pieparing
them for i;i;ti :iie from a feminary, when
•he has Ninety times in a°i Hundrrd, b' en fia^d
rriore for a ktpt Iviiftrefs, cr a Bagnio, than a
rational Companion, an i Mothfer of a Family,
let us now attend to t1ie"Wi*'rld»'anJ enq'ifipe
whether the bad properties flic has contiactec
or encouraff-ed at Scool, are likely to be remo/-
cd, or refirftinedj by ftvifting ot the Scene.

* Thcfe Govcrnfcfl'es cartnot be hi Compa-
nions for yrvung Ladies — (to lay no worfe —(
Since lew., if any of them, are Genib women
anil noH of them accuftomed to hvc vvith peo-
ple of Falho'p, fo how c;-n they be capable bl
teaching Breeding: thev can teach Frenchj it h
tiue' pcrhap.8. work but they can net form man-
ners of which they themfti'ves arc lgnor;tnt. 1
now (peak ofiliofe wh > sue Englifll with rtfpetTt
:o the French GovcViiefles-they are Stiil vvorle,
fer, of ti.ein, wc tan know no mere i ban that
tney have a good addrels, and can teach Frxnch,
and wh.it ever elfe t'ney are known to be
qiialiiictl to Convey a knowledge of, what they
weie in France, muft remain unknown. How
cm we kiv w but that.they"were p'roflhutis/
Are fuch Women props; GovernelTes foi tur
Daughters? wliat can be expec'ted but ui;r
the Pupil.-, tnnn out in Life, conformable to
the initiuclici.s of inch i: (h uclors.

*»-mrd tol.e her burfe-inTs ra.iou-1 fricn.l, ^„.! j <f0 he continued ,

•sytterrainmg companion. —endeue.l to him

P A T N A. .

;T0RN LIVFSAY, Carpenter,
LGS leave to inform the Gentlemen
of the Scrt!trrer,t, and tiie Public
that le has provided hirofeH with a
great variety, of Timber, of the choit tit
fort calculated:lor furniture and Ccffch-
making. Has likewile purchai'ed- an
extenuye piece r»f Ground ii.-r the Con-
venient e of his buCfctfs, and h^pes the
Gentlemen of the Settlement v.'ill favor
himv/ith their future L ommands he will
with the utmoli care and attention eri-
tleuvdur to merit their favors, and give
general {ktisfac*Hon to his employe;s.

i i~h Aupuit.

. W H E R E A S.

f 1 11 Widow of Scliah abdetS
J Mahdraed khan did in th? Bcrr-
galyear iiSo Morte;:\:vc to Kifhenram
Bo!e Inhabitant of Calcufbi one'houfj
Sec. in the Tov/n of floughly avA
one Houfe 6tc. in the Town of Chi-
nfuraii iv d Suod/y qtiier-tenements
Kouies Gardens &cc. for ?he lum t f
Sicca Rupees cr ooo-and v hercar, the
fa id- Kifhenran? Boictvas then intro-
duced into and fti.l Gbnfihues in
PoiTefnon of' the litid h.;ufes-tene-
ments <!-:c. Now the Said K fht nrain

ti a manner the cuoft tentiei, and a!ie-3i<»uaJe
?.t the fame '.i.;r:e that file i« tiro prudent diredt-
;cr of his faraiatj and Guaidi..n of his doaaeftlc
nterefr. '
Theife a.re the elTctitials that mould be aiicjii
<led to in female education. Every thing elll-
|h->uld be viewed, only as fecondary object's,
ilut in I We prefent mode of female erudition,
wh.ii onjj;hi to be only facoitdaxy objeils are
. nude ciieutials, and rheftlicnti.ils are neglected.
Wha c«i\ wonder that t:ur Women are fuch
~giddy dfclled t:p dolls, y.'ilhoiit Solidity,
wiihont pii'nciple ? a gooddcfpofitior^ natural
underAanJlhg, and having worthy parents
*r,ay, and I dare lav frequently does, get the
bf jfetof every dffadvantaize refnttihg frbol a
<a(hionab(c education nnd may r.fiit the dange-
»ous etlcct^ «l bad examples, but I fbou'.d hard-
ly conceive that parents would rhufcto fend
their children into a honfe, where numbers
9ft ill of the Felblence, on the prcfumptioti,
that because tht.v ln,v found Bodies, are good
<< nlUtuti ns there is a poilib.-liiy that thev
Way efeape the crritagioitt

But u piay be ('aid, that Girls go t" board-
?!>.:-bch.eo's to'barn gcod breeding, as well ar

French,.i>'ti<*. tu'a,. iiancine &c.." Pu-i
r . and the tQ;|wn. wh/th ^(fits them, I fetces^ «C MVlJl Bl Silks and Gaines by

e by P. Mac'Intyre, the toi.ow- . e>

1 diipptc oi his Mortgage on the Uid
hc.ufcs tenements &c. any peffen
wiihng to pay du^n the money may
be.fuhy abquainted with the i'ai tic-
ular.S by enquring of Muddun
Gopaul Bofeiii theSaanB -zarCalcutta
or Jag Mohan Hoy at Iiughly.

To be SOLD.
T the'Library by John Andrews,

ing Goods cn the molt reafonable terms

TT Y S O N Tea in Ch^tts Boxes and
double Catty cannifters, Souch6ng
'i'e.t in different Packages, Sugar Can-
dy in large Tub's, Loxloy, Candied O-
ranges, Plain and Embroidered Lute-
(trin.g, Plain and Striped Satt'm, Dittiity
Sin'haw and corded Silk, Peelohg, Mode
l iffany, Gauze, Gauze Handkerchiefs
Cat Gut, Ribbonds, Plain and Embroi.
dct'd ShCiS and Slippers.

/\ ant! Anthony Bcrnierd, Englifja

Clarret. do old Hock, Jamaica R


^••ufjt, Fur.cb, L>iawin|>, liauritvg Jcc. " 1

and the Crmp..ny whu h v flits the.....

I be very iiUVicd poplc, indud, ifii.cir the x'ard, and liki wile Lyion and hcu- Aru

Englifh Claret;' Cherry Brandy, Vi- j Shrub, Cherry Brandy, fome very elegant

and uleful Plate, do. very handfornc
Looking Glaffes different foirts, Brais
and Steel Barrels fowling Pieces Silver-
mounted Pufds- and Pilbfir, plain and
do4 Violins and other Muikal Inihun
ments, Mufick Books and Tutors for
every Inftrument, Choice Collection of
Books for private Gentlemen's Libraiies
;;r a Moderate Price. Lurope Silks;
be(i I'a'.terns and a variety of other*

nesar Sauces, Hams, FiCkled Tongues,
Liid'ced Gil, Glafs ware,. Sdyer Buck-
les, Silk and Leather Sword Belts, Hatts
and Sdk Stockings, i'.coks, with great
var cty of other China and Luroj e goods.

Cor,fide;aide Allowance will be made
to Dealers that Buy a Quantity : and for
th,e convenience of thofe of his Cu!i'.-m-
s that may- not chonfe-tp Bv:y'whole

_'^'<-.-»'v U not at itvft s.s ii liiiidiv, ard poldh- clxrg Tea by the Seer.. ' _____2d. Auguft, 173;,

' • '"C/U-'CL'ii^'TrrTtul^by J. A. iZ~u7\ >'-'0~- vti >rtu i^*-^ E th-.->L-K. Comva^Y.