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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 30.1781

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t «

Calcutta General ■ Advertifc

A Weekly Political and Commercial Paper, Open t$ all Parties, but influenced by None,

£2 From Saturday Augufi:'the i i'th to Saturday Auguir. 18th 178 !. [No.


?'o all Gentlemen Semen, and Lads of En- ConfefFed Judgment,-—-And others tunities, of remarking the ungenerous

terprize, and true fptrtt. alter their Security's have died. and illiberal behaviour, of the generality

_,.T, ~ ,. • ■ e . i. My Friends and my felt Mr, HICKY, of the Company's Servants towards

\ T 7 HO are ambitious or making; an , , \ ,-, . , , ; • ,r -r .1 c u ■• r- . ,

\'\ 7 .iti i u 1 nave indilpUtable broors in oar poucmon thole amu% then-Countrymen; who are
\ v honorable Independence by the c ■' * ,.., . r , ■ • , • 5 , u , ■ ■ ■ , ■ •

. x ~, .. , ,, • ru • r of many mitances ot this nature, having; not within the pales or trie iervioc : the e.

P j ,der or tne Enemies ottheir Count'v. n r 1 LJ r 1 • j 1 u • ,

,,. ".,5. , „ . /-t Anv n " Correlpondents who live near the pnnci- narrow and unmanly Prejudices are bei

The DE ATH or GLORY Privateer 1 a 1 1 r, , r .•, •- f J . , . .- „

A ; ... -t: ,r 1 ii! pie Audauleets: and hereby yives notice come lo glaring and are carried to inch

s Prime fading Velfel commanded by S , ,, , , .-- , • I ?i • u ■ ' - \ ■. -

, * - v-7 thro your Paper; that unle s there is a an evtravagant length, particularly by

I AMES B&ACEl mounting- 22 fix ' c , r • • , c j- 1 ■■ ••• - . ' . J

<*... , , , °, c ■ proper ipeedy and invariable plan of cli-

i »urrders5 12 Coborns and twenty Swi- h ;if t v > i i • > a

1 ' . , • , , ilnbytinc juitice, adopted in trie Au-

v ;s and carrvmg one hundred and , , .. °. • l r''r - m , ,

; , - 0 .,. i , . dauleets wumn thefc few Months—that

Men.--will leave Calcutta

in a lew

Mr. H I C K Y,

HIS letter is wrote you
M and Signed in the ii igul.tr

f\ f In pefion, the Content? are

j;; tfj known to m.m-e.---1 he

Sc^f^r** Sub'.i-et is indeed an jijfo
portant one' to tiie' Pd.ouc^ being the
Awi l.r.vleets.;. ' 'Before the Regulati ids,
«tt.ibdfried Some 20.Months fince. they
preatiy, wanted lo ne being a Courfe of
Oj'pivdio.i to the Poor, f-> much indeed
that any , man,, of Power, of Fortune
co-iecivmga d' >'!Hce to another Wanting
botli, could c!7e5t to a.Certainty his Ruin
in a fma'U time, by that Channel • and
it m;y i>e fupoofed tint the indigent,and
fiie'ndteis.n.et with little better luecels as.

Coinplaihants.—■---:Therefore. fome of

the alterations made in the form of pro-
ceedings gave natering hopes to the honed
part of "Mankind, -IVuy-particularly that
Order v/'hica tBeComplainant was'-obliged
torn ilce certain Depodts according to
the amount of his demand. It never
beina apprehended there would -be the
hcavey Califs of Complaints that appeair
now, and has nearly ever fmce a certain

unexpected appointment.--rAt almod

tvery Audauleet; many Caufcs now have-
been commenced tor a conSderable time,
in which the Complainant, has made hi
regular tlepofir, has kept a Vakeel 'con
ltantiy brought his-Witneflfcs whole .ex

\ v.-ntv Men.-- will leave Calcutta , T :o. e /

.-' , r at 1 • r a L>iit or t auies with their proceedings,

in a lew days on a fix Months crude a- ,. - ;, 3 , u , ,-n W

. 7, , \ , r- 1 : c iliall oe truly drawn up and Publifhed m

ram t the Uutch, french. and Span- „, 1 ■ , 1 . ^ , . ^ ,

p ' ' your papei, in order,to be.traftfmitted

The bell Treatment and Encourage- , ^. . certaIri ^ m ^

Jply'd to for a pprfon or Honor and abi-
' lities out ot the fe. vice, for one of the
Audauleets and gave Artfwer in the Ne-
gative, faying, ? That 'till the number
or Company';; .Servants out of Employ.
were provided for, no free Merchant &c
ftiould have his intereft for any Pott;
He furely forgot his Duty? In the fer-
vie'e he might lay irom experience, tho'
the Man was not made for the Pod, the
Port was nlade for die Man; but in ap-
pointments to places that the Public are
the Paymafters and entirely intruded ii
the' Ability, AJftdtiity, and Integrity of-
the Parties, Ibofe circumftances lhouki
folely have been attended to, and not ap-
point Gentlemen who fhould fay the)
were concious of their unlitnefs in every
refpccl:, but they had not Virtue to re-
fule 12 or 1500 Rupees per Month,
and live upon their b:tre pay of a
junior Merchant, pacdorfrc. &c.

In the India Gazette the Allidance 0;
all Europeons Britilh Subjects with their,
property, tic. is mentioned as not only
the final reaibui fe but what is cxp> cted,—
and with juftice •, as their: being treated
with propriety j but they will"not deem,
being excluded from every means of exe-.
cihng their Incuft:y; or their being told

the military gentry ; tnat 1 am iurpriz'd
their prepoftcrous conduct has not lietn
already expos'd and cenlur'd by fdiljfe of
your correspondents. As 1 do not recol-
lect to have lie; 1 this lu'-j'ct titared by
any of them, I taKe the liberty of ofier-
ing you a few thoughts upon it; if ybtj
think them Worth a place in yo'tir'paber
before I proceed it will be heceffary to
p;-.mife, that I have theddhonour accor-
ding to the prevailing opinions' artiongit
tiie Right Hon'ble k'-vants of the Com-
pany ; to belong to that Clafs of F'.ngiiih-
,ucn, who findt hemic Ives in the Hoh'olc
Companies Teritcries, without having
'rought with them a Comrmflion or in-
ientuie . frotu their Ware-Pioule in
Leaden Hall Street : Thelc wonderful
Talismans produce more extraordinary
.fleers upon their forfuiiate poQefiiOnS
dSan the ,, Hie eft Corpus metim " ot the
Catholics, in the- celebration of Mais
hey immediately tranfubl'iantiate t e
.'ons of Tradei'men Shop keepers and
mechanics hay even thole who have exer-
'ized thole profeffions thtmfelves at home
nto efquires and right hon'ble gentle-
r.cn who on their arrival in India, io tar
forget fhemfelves; as to p&dt a lup-
eme contempt for thofe orders of .men,
from which tlie far greater part ot them,'
derive their Origin : Is it not th it mod;
egrcgioufiy Ridiculous! in thofe Gentry
who came cut from Europe-needy Ad-
venturers, (very few excepted) to afiume
fuch Airs of dignity and importance,
and ipcak fo coniemptfiilly o>\ and to
ad thole, who are not connected "wnfj

iat the laws are not made for them '.them in the bonds dt lervftude; tho' in

and that if they do not like them, they
nay leave them, Becoming Treatment I
but this is too Copious a fubject for the
prefent views; which is to procure regular
i lvariable Rules of Equity to be Eda-
amina'tions have been finiih'i.l in two o: j bhfhed in the Audauleets, the modes of
three days, but who have been detained providing to be rendered fpeedy and
by order of Court without aillgiijng any * f*n"r'^ ''•"* «-d> in u» m-*A»

concife, and the .whole to be made-

Iam Sir.

Your Humble Sirvent.


every refpeft their equals at leal!:, except
that the latter owe Obedience to no bne^
but their fovereign and the-Laws ot their
Country, while the greater part of the
firlt are tiie dependants to fay no more,
on a few individuals in Power' and I ap-
peal ro the numerous difcontents, and
revolutions -of Places, amonglt their,
how fevereiy they experience the galling
yoke of this excciTtvc Power in their
idperiors"; If fhefe reflections' fiiould nut
be able to excite in none of thofe .hQmble
, fervantS of the Company a more modej't
Mr. HICKY,. - ' I opinion of their greatnefs and mot1erati< ft

J have refuled in different. parts of In-.) in thc-ir demeanor-,' they will I hope at
1 dia for fome yea s pal! •, during jdeaft affbrd-iome confolation-to the sn« e-

•rcafon for nine Months, indeed till they
have run away ; and in which the Defen-
dtn his paid n ) regird to theSummons
(nay in fome beat the Peons) giving no
fecurirv, but f/d'owing their feufiners
and pieakire in Public wit'u.jut the leaft
Inconveniencies. Some indeed experien-
c\ncT a partiality in their favor having

Vh^ir Liberty an. 1 property alter having, which Period-I have'bnd f.eqtient oppcr-* ''uendantpart of thy Company- cf