Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 33.1781

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Continued from our fcaft, Effort ujehfi. .they poffib?e cm.

•JT wiU.be Uid ixy the Frienos of the _lo be continued

1 male Pra&ice, that " this is not fit to j Q ^ SOLD

*' be read by modeit Women.." They
have nothing elfe'to fay. It is their der-
n er Reibrt, Unable to defend then
Practice, thry have nothing for it, but,
if uoffiblc, to p>event, thefe Objections

\V A N T E D.
Verv ex.'eilent Pocket reading

being attended to. Thole Ge itlemen
and .Ladies, whole fv.pcv-abundant Mo-
Idletty may lead them to think this, unfit
to be lead by a modeit Woman in he
Cjpiet——(oniv becdufe itendeavouis to
paint fuch a Picture of the practice, as
may induce her to refolve notro adopt it)
ihould recoiled that the Features of the
■original mult be diitorced, indeed—it
only a faint Copy be thus difguliing.—
Their great Regard ror iVJooeity, ic
ftems, would lead them to fuller a vir-
tuous young Woman to p:ecipitatc her-
efif" into the mofi imm dclt in elL ;.te,&
danwrons Practice—ibrmgh ignorance of
the violations to which foe mufi fvkffiit and
ihe danger Jbe may run-—rather than give
her the neceffary Information of both, in
the moft decent terms by tpbichJbe ■can be
convinced of her Err or t and laved from
certain Pollution ! —

If a modeit Woman thinks a Man
Midwife, more fafe than a Woman-
hew can Ihe be convinced of her Frro>-,
if. no one points out the Dangers attending
iheir Practice ! If we point out the Dan-
gers attending thei'r practice, hc-zv is it po-
fflblt to avoid .being explicit on tboj-e Heads
in which the danger (onjifis ? If a modeft
Woman intends.to employ a Man-Mid-
y/ifc, becaufe (he is ignorant of the grots
violations that enfue- -how can fne be
•diffuaaded from her Purpofe, if no cne
places thefe violations jr. a firiking light ?
We have no alternative, but either to
point out the Dangers-and the Violati-
ons in Colours that are likely to rr.zke an
TmpreJJicfi—et fail in the Purpcfe for vohiih
"■fbewriti ?— This bnok therefore, lb far
frurn being improper forrnodeit Women,
is particularly neceffary for their perufal
—unJefs Parents and Huibands would
rather wifn their wives and Daughters to
EB actually polluted, (by the moil immodefl
Liberties and Familiarities ot which ima-
gination can form an idea — ) than have
thofe Wives and Daughters' difiuaded
from employing a Man-Midwife, by
being (hewn bow unnecejjary he is—how
much left fafi than a Woman—and how
repugnant his Practice, is, to MoJetty.

If a Lady—by having inadvertently
it rayed into a too retired Spot, were on
>.ne Brink of being carried away by Men,
who intended to Defile her the Moment

;tbe was in them Power - - - and if a Gen- (h dlre#inga to Mr. HICKY at
tleman, wno happen«d to be bathme! ^ printing° office, mentioning the

AN Exceeding good Horfe, and A
Buggty, the Buggey has been
lately repabed is mounted with Double
Springs, has Copper pannells, and was
lately painted. For further particulars
pleale to inquire at the Printing Office.

Calcutta Sept. 8th 1781.


QUPPOSEDon the Race Ground 01
\fy the Road Leading from thence to
1 own out of a Phaeton, a Large R- k

Diamond hair-pin,--Whofotver has

found loch a one and will b ing it tr
Mr. HICKY at the printim.- ofthe they
fliall receive a reward of fix Gold moh

Calcutta 8th Sept. 1781.


WO CdffVies who can play very
v-eii on the French Horn and arc
otnerwife handy ai.vi uluui about a

Fioufe, relative to the Bufmeis 01 a| pecs'per. Month, and allabJve ten*5o.
Coniumef, or' th. 101 a Cock, they mult
not b~ lono 01 L q <0's.

Any pcrii.n; or p.c fons having Such
to ail pole of', will oc ticatcd with by
applying to the Printer.

ENRY COW FN lately arrived
from England takes this Opportu-
nity of informing his Friends and the
Public, that He has taken Mrs. Gnf.
fithe's Garden Houfe at Biead & Cheefe
Bunaalow or Boytacannah where he pro-
polls opening on the 3d- of September
next an Acadfmv tte Boarding School
for teaching Grammatically Young Gen-
tlemen the Englifh, Latin, French, and
Italian Languages alfo Writing, Ac-
compts, Geography, &c. according to
the Methods adopted by the moft emi-
nent Matters in Europe.

Such Gentlemen and Ladies who think
proper to honour him with the Tuition
of their Children fen ay depend upon his
moft itrenupus endeavours to merit their
Countenance, and future Recommenda-
tion. For further particulars he begs
leave to refer them to Mefirs. Kiliican
and Thornhill.

The terms tor Board and education arc
(viz) under ten years of age 40 Sicca Ru-


1'AVING any Claims or Demands,
on the Eilate of Jbhn Sage Taylor
deccafed, are requefteu to lend an Ac-
count of them to Auguitin Fayer, or to
Lancelot Oiiphant Executors, and all
Feribne indebted to the laid Efrate, are

GUfs, it's f< cus quality mult be ; requeued to difchatge their rtfpcdtive

fllOi g and attractive, nom.uter as to the
mounting fo that the G als anfwer the
above"dd-fcrfptibn, the price is required,
in a line dir. cfed to P. M, at the Pri-
nting OSce.

W A N T E D.
A BOUT 40 Gallons of pure old
jt\ Jama 1 a Rum.

And alio about fix Dozen of the beft
Byon Wine.

Pleafc to dtreft a Line to B. W. at
the printing Office mentioning the Age
of the Rum and tne price and the party
fhall be treated w th.

~W~~A N' f E D.

AVery E cgant Diamond Breaft Buc-
kle the ftones Europe cut, and
Europe Sett—Any peiibn having fuch
to difpofe of are requefted to fend it by
their Sarcar to the Printing Office with
a letterirsehtlbniftg the lowelt Price, and
11 apprt^ved of they will be treated with.
^"W^A N T E D.

ASmall Europe Mahogany Billiard
Tabic complete, for the amufemcnt
of a private Gentleman.

Whoever has fuch to difpofe of, may

who happen«d to be bathing
not far off, flew initantly to lier Alnit-i tlCulars --cIat;vc t0 the Table with
ance, nnd by teat means rejeued her fM iowal pricc,) be treated with. _

"^AVING any claims, or demands
on the Etlate of J ames Dumoulin

the unbending Danger—would that Lady's !
J-iulband or Father, ra-cher wifh trust'
his Wife or daughter, had beer. aSually
•polluted by her Aflaulters—than faved
from that Pjo'lution by that Gentleman,
merely hecevfe he had not ivaited till be had
put cn thofe Cloaths, which would have
delayed him too long to h.-;ve been in
'Time lo refcue her ?—1—I fhall put on e-
very Garment that the Exigency of th

Moment will permit-—but I will not |j ate Requefted to pay what they fo owe t
wa;t for fuch covering. ?.s would render] cither of £h<* fn'd Fxrcurors as ffipn r

debts as foon as convenient.

N. B. A. Sayer returns his thanks to
his Ftiends and CuHomers, and iniorms
theni that he intends carrying on the tay-
loring Bufinefs as ufual, and hopes tor
the Continuance of their favors.

Calcutta September ill. i.ySi.
~T' P A T N A.
: JOFIN LIV ES A Y, Carpen ter,
T^EGS leavc to inform the Gentlemen
J3 pf Settlement, and the Public
that he has provided himfelf with a
great variety of Timber, of the choiceft
fort calculated for furniture and Coach-
making, bias likewile purchaltd an
extenlive piece of Ground fur the Cm
venience of his bufir.cfs, and hopes the
Gentlemen ot the Settlement win fav
him with their future Commanus he will'
with the utmoft care and Attention en-
deavour to merit their favors, and give
general fatisfactiou to his employers.
To be SoL D.
A Spot ot Garden ground, Conlifting
JLX. ot one Biggafi and tour Cottahs
near Coflcy-pore p'leafantly lituated on
the Banks of the Ganges, with a good
Carriage Road.

for particulars pleafe to enquire of
Mr. F1ICKY at his Printing Office in
the Radda Baazar, at Calcutta.

/"^LOCK and Watch-maker the next
\J Houfe to Meffirs. Stewarts Carpen-
ters near the Court Houfe, beg leave to
acquaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of


of Runaporc the Executors of the faid forts' of Gold and Silver Work hkcwile
James Dumoulin deccafed and fuch per- j mends old work in the ncateff manner.
Ions as are indebted to the faid Eftare N. B. where all Comnuffions from

to To.vn and Country will be punctually


decealed are,defired to. fend in their ac
counts to Mr. George Arnold "<ootc of' the fettlement that lie repairs all Ions
Calcutta, or Mr. Edward Ephraim- Po'te I Clocks and Washes, and makes i

CALCUTTA J riptfd b\ J. /v. KULJ^Y, i&jiiMu i«w j iul-itx u- r!.e ilotc. Comi'anv.