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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 34.1781

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Calcutta General Advertiser.

A Weekly Political and Commercial Papcr> Open to all Parties, but influenced by None,

86 From Saturday September the 8th to Saturday September 15th 1781, [No. XXXJV]

I'o all Gentlemen Seamen, and Lads of En- I * N. B. Any perfon that has got fuch SIR,

tergrize, and true fpirit. . Ladies to difpofe off, let them apply to To Mr. H1CKY,

WHO are ambitious of making an > the Clerk of the Print ing Office, and they T| H AVE frequently heared it urged as
honorable Independence by the will be treated wuh. J[ a matter of 1 cproach againft' ybur pa.

Plunder of the Enemies oftheir Country. '.— ——-——f.-~—:—~Z-ZTT Per» that iriltead of pointi ng out 'parricu-

The DEATH or GLORY Privateer, . Mehunible Petition of Squire fun-Belly, s w inlta„ces 0fmi!eotv 'uc!, in the manage-

horfe, to the L- C- /—- ment Gf public affairs, either far amend.

of thefe Realms. ■ mem or deteftation, it has been alrpolt

UITE worn to the Stumps, in a totally employed in general declamation,
pitious condition, [or cenfure. If the sccufation be a juftj

I prefent to your Lordfhip, this humble ; yet it is an unpardonable, one, as it can;

Petition: i have proceeded only from your Iriuo.,

Full ten Baazar Maunds, as all the Jencejfor io far from fuch odious :ach an4
Town fee's inftancts- being difficultto dilcover,or to

To me it leems more, my plump Ma-
tter weighs
A load for a Team, yet I all alone,
To Ccffyporc mult draw him, for help

I have none -,
Thro' the bad road Baazar, in a hot

a Prime failing Veffel commanded by
JAMES BR ACE Y mounting 22 fix
pounders, 12 Cohorns and twenty Swi-
vels and carrying one hundred and

twenty Men.- will leave Calcutta

in a few days on a fix Months cruifca-
gain it the Dutch, French, and Span-

The belt Treatment and Encourage-
ment will be given.

Y a Young Man lately arrived from
Europe, and would be glad to en-
gage as a writer to any Gentleman in or
oat of Calcutta, he can if required keep
private accounts, writes a good hand and
can be well recommended.

;NT, B. The above perfon would be
defirous to engage, by the Year. A line
directed to the Printer hereof for F. M.
(hall be duly attended, .to.

Auguft, 28th

~~ W A N "T E D."

Y a Gentle-nan now in Calcutta,
I j) three very handibme African La-
diss of the true fable hue, fbv the Vul-
gar) commonly called Coffrieffes.

They mult not be younger than four-
teen years each

Nor Older than twenty, or twen-
ty five.

They muft be well grown Girls of
their Age.

Strait Limbed, and firait Eyed.

And have a rational ufe ot all their

The better if a little fqueamifli.

But beware of fpot or blemiih.

They will be joined in the holy banes
of Wedlock, to three Gentlemen of their
own Colour, Caff, and Country.

A Dower is not Expected with them,

Nor will there be any Jointure fettled
on them.

As the Matter of thofe African Gen-
tlemen would not wifh to have them dif-
appointed, he h^pes no Ladies will ap-
ply, but thofe who are reallv, and truly
fpinfters, for it would be a very dif-
agreeablc circumftance to have their paf-
fions wound up to the higheft pitch of
wild deBrejand then tohave theBanes for-
bidden in right of a prior claim.--No

matter whether by a Mogul from the
Ealt, or a Hottentot from the Welt.—
For in in either circumitance it would
be squally diftreffing.

fpecify, I mould conceive your only
doubt muft have been on v/i/ich £0 fx.
I am pleafed however to find by your Lit
paper, that you appear der.ermir.ed, fu h

no Jpneer remain againft' stou.

in particular by your mention of dag
fultry Day, conliderable fum lately fo, wantonly dif-r

How I fweat, and I chafe, and I pant pofed of to two reveren'd Gentleman

all the way ;
But when I return, and th'e load is

By what he hath Eaten, a Maund at the

gained, as I am informed, by a conc'u.^
in one of them, which not only rentiers
aim a difgrace to the, proiefiion he dif'--
honour^ but even roTocietv. jt would

Icaft } 1 nave been only decent, too, that his pa.

Mo fingle Horfe can be, in confciencc jtron had rewarded him for hk-lonofi'mbk

' Services at jus own Charge, and hoi at
the expencf? of his employers, whole
fairs, are reel u'd tothelalt itageofdijtrefs,
and public Credit to a hare which u-fleets
tlie higheft difcredit ou, tho' it is thought
the lucrative Contrails and Jobs, thefe
Gentlemen have already been indulged
with are ar leaft equal to all the fervices
theyhave performed o:i its Guardians,,
required other' management.

We were amufed too, at the very'con.
trary relation given by you and your
opponent j of the late extraordinary

tranfaiStions' at Benerafs--'—■ which pf

the two conies nearer to the truth we ffiaij.

learn hereafter.--—The ifafe of the

Cafe I conceive will be found to'be this.
In May 1775 the then Majority ai t'hr.
Board, without even L'the knowl dge
the minority, procured from the Viz;- ;' 4
resignation of his power.overj arid fiUjiijn
to the Zem.inda.de of Rajah Chyte Sniff,
and a fort of annexation of it to (he do*
minion of the Coirpany, by tiie h jpulatcd
tribute being paid- fc them ioficati or the
Vizier. The Rajah who e rrc neon fly
conceived that he fhould find lefsoppreff-
ive mafters in the E.nglilh than'he had tx»
perienceel in a Muifuiman, was delighted
at the exchange j and thankful tp .chofc
who effedted it, but the alteration which
snort!y took place in the power of our
Government, was a fatal one for him, and
tlie foorce' of every mifchief which lu>
thence occurred, hie loon experience-

tho't able,
To draw both the Squire, and half Cof-

fypore Table •,
Yet oft times a Lady, as big at the

Is cram'd in the Bus;gy, tho" a Woman
of Tatte

0 ! 'tis then I look Back, and dread

fuch a load,
Left my poor Knees give way, and I

fall on the Road
Nature never intended a poor Horfe

like me.

To draw two full Lcagures of ll-ln--

Nay fay Ghee,
This my cafe, Gracious Lord, to your

tender companion,

1 fubmit •, and O! take it in confider-


Make him drive with a pair, put the

Squire in a way..
Your Petitioner,, then bound in Duty

mail Neigh h h

Toorkey Bay.
P R A Y E R.

When he drives with a pair, may his

Fortune be made,
By Salt Beef, and fat Pork, with the

left of his Trade ;
Sugar Candy, Raw Silk, foft Sugar

and K urn,

Is my Prayer that his wealth, foon a-
mount to a Plumb.

Ot-p Nell, the unremitting .it-verity of-a malter #>