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Hicky's Bengal gazette, or The original Calcutta general advertiser — 37.1781

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Continued frcm onrLafr. is a Cc,nt;aci£tion in terms f—Tt is a Gazette will be moft thankfull y receive

ND with regard to die Pretence, manifefl abfurdity !—What can be more 7th Sept. 171

jt \ that the Number of Women with \ ridiculous ?— It impiies a thing, that is
whom they take Liberties, prevents i neither a " Man*?;?! nor a " Wife," but
their being affected by them—this is as I is," MlD,J^both J——." MAN—
abfurd as the other—ftHCe if taking Li

berties with a great Number of Women,
prevents their producing natural Effects,
the wild young Men of London would
not live as they do. It is the very Vari-
ety that makes the Number of no Con-
leqiicr.ee. Every new Woman, raifes
a new Idea. Does a Man's being' called
a Doctor—and his perhaps weiring a
great Wig—alter that Nature which he
received.from God ?—If he be in health
can he go to a pretty young Woman of
Faffifoh, and proceed immediately to
take what Freedoms he pleafes—and yet
remain as unmoved as if he were hand-
ling a Block of Marble? !-------She

is now aud then in Pain, it is true—but
flin has intervals—and can he help feeing
the Perfon with whom be is fo free—can
he help thinking who Ihe is—and what
he is about ?—A M.m-Midwiie is not a
Piece of Wood ! The Doctor does not
■dived him of the Man. But can any
Perfon be hmple enougii to imagine
otherwife? !—-have not too many Mid-
wife Doctors been detected in Grim,
con, with their favourite Ladies, to
render Argument on this Mead neceffa-
*y ?—Was not Doctor Morley, the fa-
mous Man-Midwife of his Day, detected

■with Mrs. Biker ?—Have not - -----

----..........-----? But do

■we want Inftanccs chat Men-Midwivcs
have the Senutions natural to their
Sex ?

" But" it will be did, *•« what fig.
** nifies their Feelings ? Plow can their
** Paifions being inflamed, endanger a
*' Woman's fatety ? "—k leads them to
handle, unneceffarily—under pretence of
dialating the Paffage. It leads them to
life fo much Friction, prior to Delivery,
that the Parts are pre-dlfpofed to in-
flame. It cannot be wondered if the
great Diftention that attends the Birth,
produces %n Inflammation in Parts t'mat •
have been DIGITATED, perhaps for :
Hours. * Digitation will certainly di-
late for the Time—bur asitmuft inflame,
in a greater, e>r lefs Degree—it abfolu-I
tely iridifpofes the Parts for the neceflary
Diltentioh— and thus counteracts the
very Purpafe of the Friction. Nature
never intended that Women fhould be
thus teized anJ fiddled with, while fhe is
difpofmg every thing by gentle degrees,
ftr the wonderful act, which lhe knows
belt how to perform. Every pain has
it's Office. Interference, retards it's
Effect. Men are every way improper
on fuch occafibns. They are as unfit to
handle an Infant as to digitate it's Mo-
ther. A Woman knows 'by experience,
the Tendernefs, and fcnfibility of the
Parts—lhe therefore has a fymp.tthy, and
rellow - reeling for her lex, of which a
Man, by his very fex, is incapable. A t
Woman is naturally qualified for that
Office—for which a man, is as naturally
incapacitated In general, tie hands of

Women, arc final! foft, delicate-

she Hands of Men, large, hard, coarfe.
The very name, demonilratcs that .their

ut of the Hcmfe of a Gentle
? .7~a X '^f confequently \J man in Calcutta laft Thurfday

be a Monlter in Nature!

* SmeUie Vol. I. Page 261, " The cs
" externum" (Entrance of the V'agenia)
" mufi be gradually opened by introducing
" the Fingers one after another in Form of
" a Cone, after they have lubricated with
" Pomatum, moving and turning them in
" a femiciradar Motion, as they are
" PUSHED UP, If ihe head is fo lew
" down that ebe HAND cannot be intro-
*« duced HIGH UP in this Form, let the
" parts he dilated by the Fingers turned in
*' the Direction of the Coccyx," &c. &c.

CsV.-Mtiji net this unnatural Friilion

inflame and excoriate parts of exauijite Senfi-
bility—and render the diflcnticn afterwards

apt to occafion an infatuation ?-2'hat

there is Danger of this, is proved by the
following Exiratl. Vol. I. page 225-

Smellie " A'fo in fingering Cafes, when the
" Woman is weak^ the head large, or the
u Pelvis narrow, you may- afftft the Deli-
" very by gently flretching both the cs ex-
" termini and internum" (the outfuie En-
trance and Ivlctith of the Womb) ** with
" your Finders, in Time cf the. pains,
*' which will encreafe the fame as well as
*' dilate-, .but this is only to be done when
'* abfolu tely ncceffary, end with Caution, for
<l fear of IN FLAMING and LACERA-
" TING the parts"—hy which, many

Women cf Fafion lefe their LJves !-

Wbat Folly is it to, run Juch a Risk, When,
by fuppcrtir.g with Broth, Reft, and Lau-

dinum--ihe lingering Labour would be

found to be kindly intruded to dilate, ly gen-
tle Degrees, parts that could not, w-hbor.t
Danger, in her particular Situation, he
more Juddenly difiended, without Hazard.
The meddling Man-Midwife, too often pre-
tends to dirccl Nature ! The foolijh Wo-
man, who needlefsly employs him, often fuf-
fcrj by it.

To be continued.

UPPOSED on the Race Ground, 01
the Road Leading frcm thence tc
Town, out of a Phaeton, aLarge Roh

Diamond hair-pin.-Wholoever Jia.1-

found fuch a one and will bring it u
MrFIICKY at the printing office the)
lhall receive a reward of fix Gold moh-

Calcutta 8th Sept. 178]

™ W~~A N T E D~

AVery Elegant Diamond Breaft Buc
kle the ftones Europe cut, anci
Europe Sett—Any perfon having fuch
of difpofe ol are requtfted to fend it b\
their Sarcar to the Printing Office with
a letter mentioning the lowelt Price, and
if approved of they will be treated with.

ANY Peribn or Penfons who cai
give information of Mr. Willian
Maynard, will hear fomething. to his ad

vantage Mr. M-was 5th Mate of th<

Shrewfhury Indiamen Capr, Coggan a-
bout two Years and a half ago, but re-
main'd in India, he was feen in Calcutta
in October }.a& a line directed to K. 1

Evening a handfome Pair of Brilliant
Diamond Eatings fet in the Couu-
try Containing fix D;ops three in
Each, at the Same time Eight Hun-
dred Sicca Rupees whoever will give
information mould fuch a Pair of
Barings be brought for Sale, fo that
the Peribn or Perfons may be appre-
hended fhall received a Reward o
Twenty GoldMohursby app'ying t
Mr. HICKY the Printer of thi

Calcutta Sept. 2id. 1781

To~~be L~e"T."
A ^HE Garden Houfe belonging^
f to Henry Goodwin Efq ; litu-
atcd oppofite Tannas Fort, and next
to flolwell place lately occupied by;
Mathew Dawfon Efq; For D-uiticulars
enquire of Mr. Gardnct.

Very excellent Pocket reading
Glafs, it's focus quality mult be
ftrong and attractive, no matter as to the
mounting fo that the Glafs anfwer the
above defcription, the price is required,
in a line directed to P. M, at the Pri-
nting Office.

W A N T E D.
BOUT 40 Gallons of pure old
Jamaica Rum.
And alTo about fix Dozen of the beft
Byon Wine.

Pleafe to direct a Line to B. W. at
the printing Office mentioning the Age
of the Rum and the price and the party
fhall be treated with.


countj t
of Rung
James D E S>
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Office is unnatural. MAN .Mid WIFE— or to Mr. Id ic'ky prrtto-or the Be right arc ready =• Q
CALCUTTA himdhy J. A. KICKY, FirJIvtb late Prjwt.sr t« the H&H. ="

— u