Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Heid. Hs. 3695 EE 1,2
The Eastman Photographic Materials Co. ltd. (London); Wolf, Max [Recp.]
Briefe von The Eastman Photographic Materials Company an Max Wolf: Brief von The Eastman Photographic Materials Co. ltd. (London) an Max Wolf — London, 17.10.1895

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Dear Sir,
I am exceedingly obliged to yon for your courteous rent
to my letter about the abstract from your article on the subject
of variation of sensitiveness of dry-plates, which appeared in an
Australian Photographic Journal.
T am much interested in this, because such an exp^^ishc.
as yours was quite contrary to that of most of my friends, ana to
my own. I thinh it has been the maxim with most photographers,
that plates, and especially extra sensitive plates, lose sensittv.
with age, but as I understand it, your experience with certain
branas of plates is just the contrary. That is very important.
I suppose you have never tried our films, to see how
behave with age? If you will let me know what size would
t convenient fom you, T will send you some so tnat y..u can '
*" iloses or increases in sensitiveness the longer yo
keep it.
Again thanking you,
Believe me,