Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg, Heid. Hs. 3695 ER 70,3
Roberts, Isaac; Wolf, Max [Adr.]
Briefe von Isaac Roberts an Max Wolf: Brief von Isaac Roberts an Max Wolf — Starfield Crowborough Sussex, 16.2.1898

loading ...
1 cm

Stari'idd Crowborou. ;h Sussex 15th Fobi'uaay y-393


Dr Max Moll

Dear Sir

I am inner the impression tint you have talien

photographs of tie Group of the Pleiades,with Lon-; exposures of the
plates,in you six-inch aperture camera and if I should not be jiv-
ing you too much trouble -on would confer a favour by sending me a
contact copy on glass of the one,with the longest exposure,that
shows Prof. Barnards nebulosity outside the Group.
I obtained three negatives in October ana November last with
exposures of 3n. 9h.2m. ana IOn. respectively,buy cannot see any of
the nebulosity he describes on the plates taken with the 5-inch lens
and the three taken simultaneously with the 20-.inch reflector cannot
be compared with them because the field is not sufficiently large.
Have you been able to confirm Barnards photograoas of this
region? I should be obliged to you for any particulars you can give
me concerning these questions.
Is your new photo-instrument in working order? for I am much
interested in the success of your work.

I am dear sir

very truly *oars