Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI Heft:
Nr. 105 (November, 1905)
DOI Artikel:
Farnsworth, P. T.: The New York Custom House and its sculptural decorations
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The New York Custom House

her linked coat of mail. One hand supports the
top of a shield, on which is carved the word uKiel.”
Over her shoulders ilows a rieh mantle, whose
drapery falls in graceful folds about her.
Mr. Gelert’s Denmark is the figure of a woman
viking. The racial type is most clearly given,
and the winds of the northern seas seem to almost
stir the long curls that come down from under her
closely-fitting cap. She carries a Danish boarding
pike in one of her hands, and one foot rests on a
coil of rope.
Mr. Bitter’s cartouche is a group consisting of
two winged figures seated, supporting between
thern the shield of the United States. One of these
ligures holds in her hand a sheathed sword, emblem-
matic of a great power at peace; the other holds a
bündle of reeds tightly bound together, to denote
the strength that comes to the nation of States in
perfect union. The pose of these two figures is of
exceeding grace, and their faces of intellectual
beauty. Standing on the top of the shield is the
American eagle, with wide-outstretched wings.
In bas-relief on the pedestal are two cornu-

copias, overflowing with fruits, grain and flowers.
This new custom house occupies the entire
block, irregulär in shape, bounded by Bowling
Green, Whitehall, State and Bridge Streets. The
frontage on Bowling Green is 191 feet; 011 White-
hall Street and State Street about 288 feet, and on
Bridge Street about 278 feet. It has seven stories
above the siclewalk and two below.
There will be comparatively little interior deco-
ration, though a few public rooms will be finished
in fine marbles,including the ofiicesof the Collector,
the main halls and the central rotunda.
The various divisions are to be so located as to
facilitate the dispatch of public business. It is
designed to be the finest custom house in the worlcl,
both as a structure and as an office for the trans-
action of customs business. In general plan the
building follows closely the lines of the property
and surrounds an ample interior court. The lower
stories extend across the court, in the centre of
which is placed an elliptical rotunda in which will
be carried on the general business of the entrance
and clearance of vessels.

