Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 27.1905/​1906(1906)

DOI issue:
Nr. 106 (December, 1905)
DOI article:
Morris, G. L.; Wood, Esther: The country cottage and the materials used in its construction
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is some especial merit and beauty in leaving
the roof timbers showing the joists naked
of plaster ; there are occasions when the
adoption of such primitive methods is
pleasant, attractive, and reasonable, but it
becomes ridiculous and an affectation if
used on every occasion without any good
reason for so doing.
It is not within the scope of this article
to touch on all the materials open to the
architect in the treatment of a cottage
interior, but the illustrations which accom-
pany the text give the reader an idea of
what can be done, with a little respect for
tradition, a little thought and a little

(From our own Correspondents)
LONDON.— Herewith we repro-
duce two carefully modelled
busts by Mr. F. Jahn. Mr.
Jahn’s work is executed with
that care and scholarliness which are so
essential in any attempt to make a bust
that is architectural and dignihed in charac-
ter. His methods are unpretentious and

drawing-room fireplace. The simplest and least
pretentious methods of finishing a brick surface
are nearly always pleasing, and in a room soberly
finished with oak and linen, the nearest approach
to the old-fashioned open hearth—even to the
hooks to hang kettles over the fire—will probably
be the most satisfactory.
Of the materials used in framing the fire, marble
and stone will generally be found too expensive
in the ordinary way, and certainly not so suitable
as wood for this purpose in a country cottage.
The same objection can be urged against the
use of metals, such as brass, Steel or copper, and
amongst woods mahogany will be found too costly.
Oak and pine painted white or some pleasant
colour will usually be the materials within the
scope of the builder of a small cottage. Brick,
with a judicious use of ordinary plain tiles as
already mentioned, can also be employed with good
results. It is of importance that when the brick
or tile work shows it should be carefully done, and
no attempt made to obtain “ artistic ” effects with
bad workmanship. We have known architects
who seem to fancy that inferior bricks, badly built
with sloppy jointing, in some mysterious way yield
artistic results. It is absurd to suppose that there

“madonna” by f. jahn
