Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

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“Ah, This Is What I Need for My Nerves”

Prof. Thos. B. Stillman,
M.S., Ph.D.
The well-known research
chemist of Stevens Insti-
tute, writes:
“The chemical union of
the constituents of Sanato-
gen is a true one, represen-
tative of the highest skill in
the formation of a product
containing Phosphorus in
the organic phosphate con-
dition, and so combined that
digestion and assimilation
of Sanatogen are rendered
complete with the greatest
ease. ”

exclaims the man who has read the literature of Sanatogen, for he has found recorded therein the
wonderful achievements of this remarkable food-tonic. He has read the reports of physicians,
ringing with praise of its value, the opinions of leading authorities, convincing beyond words, and
the personal experiences of famous men and women who by the use of Sanatogen have obtained
new vigor and strength for the acts of life. He has read how it is composed of the two life-giving
substances—pure albumen and organic phosphorus—how ingenious is the manner of its combina-
tion, how logical and certain its action upon a starved nervous system. Inspired with confidence,
he starts the use of Sanatogen. Expectation meets fulfillment. He feels the wonderfully benefi-
cent action of Sanatogen, its rejuvenating effect upon the nervous system—how much better
appetite and digestion—how much greater power of endurance—how much improved strength of
body and mind! There has been won another devotee of

John Burroughs
The distinguished natur-
alist and author, writes:
“ I am sure I have been
greatly benefited by San-
atogen. My sleep is 50 per
cent, better than it was one
year ago, and my mind and
strength are much im-

His Excellency
Prof. Dr. Von Leyden
Director First Medical
Clinic, Berlin University,
“I have gladly and fre-
quently prescribed Sanato-
gen in cases of delicate pa-
tients in my clinical as well
as my private practice, and
am extremely satisfied with
the results.”

Hon. Miles Poindexter
U. S. Senator from Wash-
ington, writes:
“ I am sure Sanatogen has
benefited me greatly. A
few weeks’ use of it has pro-
duced better digestion, bet-
ter sleep, and a feeling of
greater strength.”


And every day, in every land, thousands of men and women are thus given a new lease of
health, a new joy of living! Indeed, the history of Sanatogen is a wonderful record of aid to those
whose nerves have become worn and tired—exhausted by arduous work, bodily illness or by worry.
Over 15,000 letters from practising physicians pay eloquent tribute to the splendid properties
of Sanatogen as an upbuilder of nerves and vitality. Medical text-books and journals are replete
with evidence of the remarkable service it has performed among the sick and ailing. That is why
Sanatogen stands supreme as the food-tonic of intrinsic merit and proven effect. That is why
you may use Sanatogen with the utmost confidence, with every assurance that it will lastingly
benefit your health.
Sanatogen is sold by all leading druggists at $1.00, $1.90 and $3.60
IknZe/or a FREE copy of “Our Nerves of Tomorrow”
The work of a physician-author, written in an absorbingly interesting style, beautifully
illustrated and containing facts and information of vital interest to you. This book also
contains evidence of the value of Sanatogen which is as remarkable as it is conclusive.
THE BAUER CHEMICAL CO., 571 Everett Bldg., Union Square, New York
