Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 60.1916/​1917

DOI Heft:
Nr. 239 (January, 1917)
DOI Artikel:
Lees, G. Frederic; Harpignies, Henri [Gefeierte Pers.]: Henri Harpignies: in memoriam
DOI Artikel:
Recent designs in domestic architecture
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Recent Designs in Domestic Architecture

(Zoubalof Collection, Petit-Palais, Paris)

number of artists and friends, could be desired.
It concluded in a way which all will applaud—
with words of thanks to the “devoted companion”
of Henri Harpignies during his last years who,
by the intelligent care with which she surrounded
him, enabled the aged artist to continue to the
last to paint from memory, since he could no
longer go forth into the fields and woods.

Recent designs in domestic
That Scotland is the home of much
that is excellent in domestic architecture is amply
proved by the numerous examples we have
illustrated from time to time. A further example
is furnished in the well-balanced design of “ Roy-
croft,” Broughty Ferry, illustrated on the next
page, built for Mr. David Halley. The architects
were Messrs. Maclaren, Sons, and Soutar, of
Dundee. It is of brick, the walls being finished
rough-cast, and the roof is covered with hand-made
red tiles. The eaves are deeply projected, with
gutters carried on wrought-iron brackets. A simple
treatment has been carried out internally; here

much use has been made of woodwork, which
consists of fumed pitch-pine.
Another residence at Broughty Ferry completed
recently from the designs of the same firm of
architects is “Whitethorns,” belonging to Mr. John
Ogilvie. It will be seen from the south view,
illustrated on page 139, that the exterior walls are
rough-casted, the base course of rough-dressed
rubble being left exposed. The roof is covered
with Scotch slates of mixed colourings. A feature
of the house is the verandah, access to which is
given from the dining-room and drawing-room,
and a balcony is formed over the verandah and
drawing-room bay. The accommodation on the
ground floor provides for three public rooms—
a dining-, drawing-, and morning-room. All the
internal woodwork is of Australian pine, stained
and waxed to a dull finish. The floors are of oak.
A special feature are the lighting arrangements
in the drawing-room. It will be observed from
the illustration of this room on page 140 that the
electric lamps are inserted into domed recesses in
the ceiling formed of plaster.
Allusion was made in The Studio last year to
the work of Mr. C. E. Mallows, F.R.I.B.A., whose
untimely death caused that tribute to be written.
Other articles had been published previously from