Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ireland, John
Hogarth illustrated (Band 2,3): Nature — London, 1793

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complaint, except his ears and tail being lopped,
to improve nature, and having a rib now and then
broken by a gentle spurn; but if the poor qua-
druped falls into the hands of a tanner, a surgeon,
or an experimental philosopher, of what avail are
his good qualities?*

The Abyssinian cruelties of our slaughter-
houses^ and kitchens,* I do not wish to enu-

* These canine v:\fortitnates are not only iiscfiil when liv-
ing, but frequently die jar tbe good of mankind. Some-
have their throats cut, to prove die efficacy of a siyptic ;
others are bled to dealh for a philosophical transfusion;
and very mail)' resign their iirvuth in the receiver of an air-
pump. Unhappy docs!

+ " It appears to have been a part of that curse which the
" disobedience of the first man brought upon his posterity,
" that we were compelled to stain our hands in blood, and
" to Subsist on the destruction <>v'de!i!;; jmuuls. But surely,
" if the necessity of our nature obliges us to deprive an in-
" nocent being of life, it ought to be done in the easiest and
" speediest manner; and such was the custom among the
" peculiar people of God. What shall we say to that lux-
" ury, which for a momentary *;r;;iii;t-:;;ioii of appetite, con-
" demns a creature endued with feeling, perhaps with mind,
" to languish in torments, and expire by a protracted and
" cruel death I"

Sermons by George Gregory, D.D. F.A. S. idedil-

X How much are we the crcatui-cs of habit! those who
would shudder at tying a lobster to a wooden spit, and
roasting it alive, will coolly place a dozen oysters between