Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ireland, John
Hogarth illustrated (Band 2,3): Nature — London, 1793

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appear extremely different: they are even of
' opposite parties j for the one disposes of works
' in favour of the government, and the other
1 against it.

" On the left hand of this group is an officer
' embracing a milk-woman ; but her greatest mis-
: fortune is, not her being hugged by a young
: cavalier, but in having one of her milk pails
seized by a wag, who pours her milk into a hat,
while he is pretending to defend her. Near them
' is a pyeman, who is mightily rejoiced at this
• roguery; while a soldier, who is fleering in
'• his face, slyly steals the pies he carries on his
'■ head. The humour of this group is greatly
: heightened by a chimney-sweeper's boy, who
' comes laughing to receive some of the milk into
his hat, which he carries in his hand.
" On the right hand of the principal group is
a Frenchman, who, to give him a more ridicu-
lous appearance, is represented as a man of
some importance ; he is speaking to a very odd
person, to whom he seems communicating the
contents of some letters relative to the event
which is the cause of this march.
" Behind the Frenchman, just mentioned, is
seen an old sutler, who carries her child at her
back, and is smoking a short pipe. In the front,
at a small distance, is a drummer, who by the
noise of his drum, seems to endeavour to stun
all thoughts of the fate of his family, whs