Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ireland, John
Hogarth illustrated (Band 2,3): Nature — London, 1793

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So forlorn.'—that to any thick sight, be would be
invisible 1 To see a group, like the woe-begotie
refuse, detached from the main body, and put
upon the sick list, on the point of embarking to
conquer a neighbouring kingdom, is ridiculous
enough, and at the lime of publication must have
had great effect. The artist seemed sensible that
it was necessary to account for the unsubstantial
appearance of these shadows of men, and has
hinted at their want of solid food, in the bare
bones of beef hung up in the window, the inscrip-
tion on an alehouse sign, soup maigre a la
sabot royal, and the spider-like officer roast-
ing four frogs which he has impaled upon his
sword. Sucb light and airy diet, is whimsically
opposed by the motto on a standard, which two
of the most valorous of this ghastly band, arc
hailing with grim delight and loud exultation. It
is indeed a motto of much promise, and well cal-
culated to inspire thisfastifig famished company
with courage,—vengeance, avic le bom
bier, et boh beuf d'angleterre. However
meagre the military, the church militant is in no
danger of starving; for the portly friar is neither
emaciated by abstinence, nor weakened by penance.
Anticipating the glory of extirpating heresy, he is
feeling the sharp edge of an axe, to be employed
in decollating all enemies to the true faith,—
which if any one dcubi,—be shall die the death.
A sledge is laden with wliips, wheels, ropes chains,