Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ireland, John
Hogarth illustrated (Band 2,3): Nature — London, 1793

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of the sum at which he published the large

This alteration of his first plan left the great
Paul without a ticket: to have given him the
Peeping Boys, in their original state, would have
been a species of sacrilege; they were chastened,
grouped as they now are, and transferred from the
Harlot to the Apostle.

Though the circumstance from which it re-
ceived a name was done away, and very little,
either novel or striking remains, he retained the
original title of Boys Peeping at Nature*

* In the reduced copy I have ventured to abridge this
tille, though the very ingenious baptisms of sundry mo-
dern prints would have given ample countenance to the old

A girl hugging a dog in her arms is, with great attention
to analogy, called Nature; and a woman with a large
mallet in one hand, and a tenpenny nail in the other. Art.

A female, with a consumptive curd and whey countenance,
that would not have got her a lover even in Oiabeite, they
havcmiscalledBEAuTT; anda little gorged mis-shapen boy,
with swollen cheeks, and a bow and arrow, they kind!y in-
form you is Love.

A farmer's daughter, with a basket on her arm, in which
arc two pigeons quarrelling/or a s/raa>,and drawing it differ-
ent ways, is christened Conjugal Peace; and a very pic-
turesque landscape, with a crowd of figures in the back-
ground, baptized Solitude !

Innumerable other instances might be.given; but these
are sufficient to prove, that in erroneous inscription
%<trf4 is not alone.