Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

The Grolier Club; Koehler, Sylvester Rosa [Hrsg.]
A chronological catalogue of the engravings, dry-points and etchings of Albert Dürer as exhibited at the Grolier Club — New York: The Grolier Club of New York, 1897

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IX. APOLLO AND DIANA. Facsimile of a drawing by Diirer, in
the British Museum, London. (Lippmann, No. 233.)—Referred
to under Nos. 34 and 36.
X. ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE. Etching, by Le Rat, from a
bas-relief attributed to Jacopo de’ Barbari by Ephrussi. (From
Ephrussi’s “Notes biographiques.”)—Referred to under No.
XL ADAM AND EVE. Facsimile of a drawing by Diirer, dated
1504, in the Von Lanna Collection, at Prague. (Lippmann, No.
173.)—Referred to under No. 34.
XII. BATTLE OF TRITONS. Engraving by Andrea Mantegna,
B 18.— Referred to under No. 41.
XIII. LO STREGOZZO. Engraving by Agostino Veneziano, B 426.
— Referred to under No. 41.
XIV. ANISQUAM. Original etching by Stephen Parrish.
1. Clean wiped.
2. Clean wiped, with retroussage.
3. Rag wiped.
4. Rag wiped, with retroussage.
5. Rag wiped, with retroussage and a graded tint.
6. Rag wiped, with retroussage and a graded tint, and lights
wiped out in the distance.
7. Counterproof.
These seven impressions were all printed from the same plate,
without any change whatever in its state or condition. The ink
and the paper used are also precisely the same. The differences
in Nos. 1-6 are due entirely to the treatment which the plate
received at the hands of the printer, or, in other words, to the
wiping. No. 7, the counterproof, was produced in the usual