Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Lawrence, Richard
Elgin marbles from the Parthenon at Athens — London, 1818 [Cicognara, 3502]

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Ma. Lawrevce having given Ten Plates in addition to the number whieli
' he originally engaged to deliver, finds himself under the necessity of advancing the
| price of his Work from Two and a Half to Three Guineas to Nott-aubscr'ibcrs; and
[ at the same time he takes the opportunity of respectfully suggesting to Iris Subscribers,

that, if any of their friends should he desirous of purchasing a Copy, they would
l confer an additional favour by applying direct to him, instead of ordering it through

the channel of their own Booksellers.

,. 4, Great MoriborougWrccl,
July 'lj, 1818.

if public taste, the Author is not insensible of the

ce towards its defects, he ventures to proceed by

execution of this arduous undertaking.

ng this admirable collection of Grecian sculpture,

itish school of art, it became a matter of the first

e peculiar character and style of these matchless

ngst artists, but also amongst those members of

ii, are more especially qualified to exercise the

uenevolent patrons. With the view therefore of

assisting in the promotion of so desirable an object, the Author of the following essay, after an

uninterrupted series of three years close contemplation and study of these beautiful relics, and at the

solicitation of several of his friends, has presumed to publish the product of his labours.