Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Lawrence, Richard
Elgin marbles from the Parthenon at Athens — London, 1818 [Cicognara, 3502]

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as well as the Metopes, when compared with the rest, and also a very evident inferiority, the
natural consequence of being executed by different artists. But it is worthy of remark that there is
no such difference in the merit of the large figures which occupied the pediments, and which are
indeed all equally excellent; whence it may be justly concluded that they were the sole production
of one great and masterly hand.


Taking leave of his readers, the Author cannot offer a more suitable apology for the defects of
his work than the following words of Seneca: " Multum restat operis, multumque restabit, nee ulli
nato post mille secula precludetur occasio aliquid adhuc adjiciendi."

Aware also that his doctrines may be disputed, he begs leave to repeat that he utterly disclaims
the intention of giving offence to those whose opinions may happen not to coincide with his own.

Controversial discussion, when conducted with candour and decorum, is the best spring to mental
exertion, and materially assists the developement of truth and knowledge, by exciting enquiry into
the various systems that have arisen both in past and present times.

To the adverse effects of self delusion in the'pursuit of art he is unfortunately no stranger; but
he who can detect his own errors, and is awake to his own imperfections, is endowed with a
faculty rare indeed.