Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Lyon, Edwin [Editor]
Outlines of the Aegina marbles: drawn from the statues at the Liverpool Royal Institution — Liverpool, 1829

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It is with feelings of great diffidence that one of the many youthful aspirants to public notice
ventures to submit this effort to the notice of his countrymen, in the hope of diffusing among them some
idea of these admirable remains of ancient art.

With a view to improvement in his profession as a Sculptor, he was long engaged in drawing from the
different rare and valuable Casts deposited in the Liverpool Royal Institution, before he undertook to delineate
the Statues of the Temple of Panhellenian Jove, from the island of iEgina. The Institution is indebted for
the possession of the Casts from the Marbles of that Temple to the liberality of Mr. Foster; to whom all
students who have learnt to appreciate their value, will acknowledge the deepest obligation.

The Outlines are carefully designed from these Casts; but how far he has succeeded in conveying a
tolerable impression of the invaluable originals, the Artist does not presume to determine. To render the
subject better understood, the individual figures are preceded by two plates of the details and restoration of the
Temple, founded on the measurements and observations of the discoverers, and its massy ruins.

Plate I, represents the front view of the Temple as restored from measurements of the ruins.

Plate II. Fig. 1, is the western pediment, with all the figures arranged as it is supposed they were
originally placed, surrounded by the richly ornamented freize.

Fig. % shows the depth of the pediment in profile, and the manner in which the pedestals of the
figures were sunk into the base of the pediment, as shown in the side view of the Minerva.

Fig. 5, is the extreme angle of the pediment with the lion's-head and the chimera.

Fig. 4, is a fragment of the eastern pediment, with the only four entire figures belonging to it.

Fig. 5, one of the figures of the apex.