Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Mackenzie, Donald Alexander
Indian myth and legend: with illustrations by Warwick Goble and numerous monochrome plates — London, 1913

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indeed, will Bhima's daughter be decorated with the
treasure which 1 shall win; she shall stand by my side
as Apsaras, queen of heaven, stands beside Indra. Long
have I waited for thee so that I might win Damayanti
and be fully satisfied."

Nala would fain have drawn his sword, but composed
himself, and, with angry eyes and scornful smile, he said:
" Cease this idle chatter and let us play. Thereafter thou
wilt have no desire to speak."

Immediately the two brothers set to the game, and
Nala won at a single hazard all that he had lost. Then
he smiled and said: " Now the whole kingdom is mine
once again. Fallen monarch! never wilt thou behold
the fair Damayanti because thou art become her slave.
. . . Know now, that thou didst not triumph heretofore
by reason of thine own skill, but because Kali aided thee,
nor didst thou perceive this, O fool! . . . But fear not
that I will take vengeance. ... I give thee back thy
life. Thou wilt have an estate and revenues and my
friendship, because I remember, O Pushkara, that thou
art my brother. . . . Mayst thou live for a hundred

Then Nala embraced his brother, who did homage
with hands folded, saying: " May thy splendour endure
for ever! May thou live for ten thousand years! Thou
hast given me my life and a city in which to live."

Pushkara remained with Nala for a month, and then
went his way to his own domain.

All Nishadha rejoiced because that their rightful king
had returned. The counsellors of state did homage
before Nala, and said: "There is great joy now in city
and country, and the people come to honour thee even
as Indra is honoured by all the gods."

When the rejoicings were over, and the city of Nis-
