Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Mackenzie, Donald Alexander
Indian myth and legend: with illustrations by Warwick Goble and numerous monochrome plates — London, 1913

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vival age, xl; Vedic god of grace,
assists Indra, world artisan, 10; the
Preserver in the Trinity, 119; the
cult of, 122; evidence of Greek am-
bassador, Megasthenes, regarding,
122; a god of grace in Rigveda, 122,
123; Brahma springs from in lotus
bloom, 124; sleep of on World Ser-
pent, 124; Avataras of, 125; the
Buddha Avatara of, 129; Puranas
and cult of, 134; as Brahma, 134;
demons secure salvation through, 135;
his lion incarnation, 135; his boar
incarnation, 135, 136; Parasu-rama
(Rama with the axe) incarnation of,
136; belief in the coming of on white
horse (Kalki), 137; Bhagavad-gita
and cult of, 139; in epic narratives,
139; Manu and, 140; in "churning
of the ocean" myth, 143 et seq.; white
steed of, gem of, and wife of rise from
Sea of Milk, 144; Garuda the vehicle
of, 146; in form of Shiva, 147; discus
of made by goddess, 149; in Ganesa
myth, 151; in myth regarding origin
of goddesses, 151; father of the love
god, 151; Ganges flows from toe of,
152; wife of as daughter of Daksha,
the rishi, 154; incarnation of slays
incarnation of Shiva, 234«; at Da-
saratha's horse sacrifice, 376, 377;
Indra's appeal to, 377; Dasaratha's
sons as incarnations of, 377; Rama
as, 427. See Krishna and Rama.

Vishwakarman (vish'wa-kar"man), the
divine a'rtisan, Twashtri is, 58.

Vishwamitra (vish'wa-meet"ra), as rival
of Vasishtha, 154; raised from Ksha-
triya to Brahman caste, 154; as father
of Shakuntala, 159; Indra's dread of
and temptation of, 159, 160; takes
away Rama and Lakshmana to de-
stroy demons, 379, 380, 381; break-
ing of Shiva's bow, 382, 383.

"'tal spark, cause of life and bodily
heat, 37; Agni symbolizes, 19.

Vwahvant, the Persian, 40.

Vivasvant, the sky god, 40.

vivasvat, as a sun god, 32. See Vivas-

Volund, 24.

VowSi t,y Spitt;ng an(j before fires, 37.
itra (vrit'ra), the drought demon,
!™n by Indra, 6, 7; as leader of
Danavas, 7; reference to myth of in
Brahman as, 63; " the encompasser",

66; captures cloud cows, 4 et seq,, 67;
rational explanation of, 71.

Vulcan, the Hindu, Twashtri as, II.

Vultures, as protectors of the fairy babe,
Shakuntala, 159, 160; king of, see

Vyasa (vyas'a), reputed Vedic compiler
and author of Mahabhdrata, 154;
identified with the legendary Va-
sishtha, 154; son of Parashara and
Satyavati, 167; father of Dhritarashtra,
Pandu, and Vidura, 171, 172; meets
Pandavas during first exile, 206; re-
veals why Draupadi must be joint
wife of Pandavas, 222; advises Arjuna
to visit Shiva, 255; gifts divine vision
to Sanjaya, 287; advises horse sacri-
fice as atonement after war, 312; at
horse sacrifice, 316; causes dead to
return, 320, 321.

Wales, hatred of pork in, 136,

Wallis, Cosmology of Rigveda, 10 n,

War of gods and giants, 70. See Giants

and Asuras.
Warriors, possessed by spirits, 85; caste

of, 79' See Caste.
War-shell, Arjuna's a thunder horn, 258.
Water of life, soma the, 36; moon as

source of, 37; creative tears as, 100,

Water spirits, givers of boons, 148.
Waters, the primordial, in creation

myths, 100, 101 et seq.; universe

returns to, 105, 141, 142; "home"

of the creator, 114; in the boar myth,

" Watling Street", 24.
Wealth and culture, 82.
Weapons, the early Vedic, 77-
Weather, Indian demon of, 8 n.
Weeping of the creator, 100.
Well worship, 37.
Wells, the sources of luck, 148.
"Westerners", Indian tribes called,

White Age, the Krita Yuga, 108; in

Greek and Celtic mythologies, 109

et seq.
Widows, drown themselves after return

of dead warriors, 321; burning of,

see Stittee.
Wiedemann, Professor, n«.
Wieland (we'land), 24.
Wife, the ideal, goddess Sati as, ijo.