Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Meer Hassan Ali, B.
Observations on the Mussulmauns of India: descriptive of their manners, customs, habits, and religious opinions ; made during a twelve years residence in their immediate Society (Band 2) — London, 1832

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I have thought " had they been favoured with
the knowledge we possess, what zealous Chris-
tians would these people be, who thus honour
the memory of mere holy men."

The time, I trust, is not very far distant
when not one nation in the whole world shall
be ignorant of the Saviour's efficacy, and His
willingness to receive all who cast their burden
at the foot of His cross. My heart's desire for
the people I have dwelt amongst is that which
St. Paul in the Epistle to the Romans de-
clares to be his prayer to God for Israel, " that
they might be saved !" and I know not any-
way in which I could better testify my regard
for the Mussulmauns collectively, or my grati-
tude individually, than by recommending the
whole of the tenth chapter of the Romans to
the serious consideration of those persons who
possess such influence, as that the gospel of
peace may be preached to them effectually by
well-chosen and tried servants of our Lord,
who are duly prepared both in heart and
speech, to make known the glad tidings to
their understandings that " God so loved the