Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Saivtsm. Saiva Ceremonies. 93

ceremonies performed at the great Saiva temple of Bhu-
vanesvara in Orissa. These are so unique that I may be
pardoned for giving some idea of them before concluding
this chapter. My authority is Dr. Rajendralala Mitra, who
has described the ceremonial in the second volume of his
work on Orissa. Siva is worshipped at that particular locality
under the form of a large uncarved block or slab of granite,
about eight feet long, partly buried in the ground, partly
apparent above the soil to the height of about eight inches.
The block is believed to be a Linga of the Svayambhu class
(see p. 69), and is surrounded by a rim, supposed, of course,
to represent the female organ (Yoni). The daily worship con-
sists of no less than twenty-two ceremonial acts.

(1) At the first appearance of dawn bells are rung to rouse
the deity from his slumbers; (a) a lamp with many wicks is
waved in front of the stone; (3) the god's teeth are cleaned
by pouring water and rubbing a stick about a foot long
on the stone ; (4) the deity is washed and bathed by empty-
ing several pitchers of water on the stone; (5) the god is
dressed by putting clothes on the stone ; (6) the first break-
fast is offered, consisting of grain, sweetmeats, curd, and
cocoanuts; (7) the god has his principal breakfast, when
cakes and more substantial viands are served ; (8) a kind of
little .lunch is offered ; (9) the god has his regular lunch;
(10) the mid-day dinner is served, consisting of curry, rice,
pastry, cakes, cream, etc., while a priest waves a many-
flamed lamp and burns incense before thp stone ; (11) strains
of noisy discordant music rouse the deity from his afternoon
sleep at 4 p. m., the sanctuary having been closed for the pre-
ceding four hours; (12) sweetmeats are offered; (13) the
afternoon bath is administered ; (14) the god is dressed as
in the morning; (15) another meal is served; (16) another
bath is administered ; (17) the full-dress ceremony takes
place, when fine costly vestments, yellow flowers, and per-
fumery are placed on the stone; (18) another offering of