Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Naville, Edouard
The store-city of Pithom and the route of the Exodus — London, 1888

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and also for their valuable assistance in the revision of this Memoir for the
press. To my illustrious friend M. Maspero, Director-General of the Museums
of Egypt, I offer my warm thanks for the cordiality with which he welcomed
me as a fellow-worker on Egyptian soil, and for the invaluable way in which he
furthered the objects of my mission by instructions to the local authorities.
Nor must I omit the names of either M. Jaillon, the distinguished French
engineer, or of my learned compatriot, Professor Paul Chaix ; the first of whom
not only furnished me with the necessary labourers, but himself shared in the
daily toils and anxieties of the work, while the second has kindly taken upon
himself to prepare the Map by which this Memoir is illustrated.

In the deductions which 1 have drawn from the inscriptions discovered
at Pithom, I well know how much is conjectural ; but I venture never-
theless to hope that this brief essay may at all events incline the public to
appreciate the important ends to be attained by the exploration of Lower
Egypt. Not mere antiquities for exhibition in the galleries of museums, not
even works of art, no matter how great their artistic value, are the main
objects of our quest; but rather the solution of important historical and
geographical problems, and the discovery of names, of facts, and, if possible,
of dates.

My reward will be great should the perusal of these pages awaken a more
general interest in Egyptology, which, as a field of study, embraces a period of
more than forty centuries, and as a field of exploration is of vast extent, of
unexampled wealth, and in many parts comparatively unknown.

The plates and maps have been executed by the Typographic Etching


Malagny, near Geneva.
August, 1884.