Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Naville, Edouard; Tylor, J. J. [Editor]; Griffith, Francis Ll. [Editor]
Ahnas el Medineh: (Heracleopolis Magna) ; with chapters on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis; [beigefügtes Werk]: The tomb of Paheri : at el Kab / by J. J. Tylor and F. L. Griffith — London, 1894

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Pis. i.-v. and viii. were traced from the enlarged drawings: this method was
calculated to give more satisfactory results, owing to the abundance of detail
in the scenes. The services of Mr. Anderson, a skilful draughtsman, especially
practised in the delineation of classical subjects, were engaged for this work.

Pi. x. is from a drawing founded upon Mr. Tylor's tracing. It has been
compared with the copies published in Lepsius' Denkmaler, but docs not
pretend to absolute accuracy of detail.

All the above have been subjected to careful revision, by close examination
of the photographs and comparison of numerous published and unpublished
copies. The method adopted has been to draw the reliefs in outline, and to fill
in the incised work in full black. Restorations have been inserted only so far
as they arc authorized by the direct evidence of the earlier copies; and in all
cases the outlines of the more recent fractures have been clearly marked
within the restorations, so as to indicate their extent at the time that the
photographs were taken.

No plans of the tomb could be found, excepting a very small and inaccurate
one published in the Description de VEgypte. Fortunately, Mr. Somers Clarke,
F.S.A., who was in Egypt with Mr. Tylor in 1892, had taken some measure-
ments, which he was good enough to communicate to the authors, together
with some remarks upon the architecture. From these, with the help of the
photographs, a useful sketch has been possible, and is shown upon pi. i.

The present memoir does not represent the final outcome of Mr. Tylor's
work upon the tomb of Paheri. He is now engaged upon a limited edition
de luxe, in which the scenes will be reproduced to a larger scale by a collotype
process. His drawings for this work are based upon the photographs, and
are intended to render the effect of the reliefs in a more natural way than
has ever before been attempted.

In conclusion, the Committee of the Egypt Exploration Fund desire to
express their extreme obligation to Mr. Tylor for the generous manner in
which he has placed his materials at their disposal and for the share which
he has taken in the preparation of this memoir.