Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Naville, Edouard; Tylor, J. J. [Hrsg.]; Griffith, Francis Ll. [Hrsg.]
Ahnas el Medineh: (Heracleopolis Magna) ; with chapters on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis; [beigefügtes Werk]: The tomb of Paheri : at el Kab / by J. J. Tylor and F. L. Griffith — London, 1894

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of Nekheb, Paheri, justified, begotten of the nurse
(tutor) of the king's son, the scribe Atei'rura justified,
and born of the mistress of the house 37. Kam, justi-
fied—he says

" Hear, ye who are to come into existence, I speak to
you and there is no deceit 38. in what I say

" 0 ye living and existing nobles and people upon
earth, servants of gods, and priests and those connected
with them, every scribe who takes 39. the palette,
skilful in divine words, and every excellent man of his
inferiors, opening his mouth in boasting of 40. his
occupation—May Ra, lord of Eternity, favour ye, and
Nekhebt the white goddess of .Nekhen : and all ye who
are established in your (lit. his) offices, may ye bequeath
them to your children

" 41. if ye say 'May the king 'propitiate1 in accordance
with that which is in the writings, ' comings forth in
answer to words' in the formula of the ancients like the
utterance of a god, 42. and whosoever bends his
hand in prayer may he act in the correct manner, and
perform his devotion according to the rules, testifying
43. from the reading of the command here written :
' mayest thou have loaves by the thousand, beer by the
thousand, and by the hundred thousand all things
good and 44. sanctified by offering and pure'—to
the ghost of Osiris, the prince of Nekheb and Anyt,
who satislied the heart of the superintendent of seal-
bearers 45. in the southward voyage (of inspection),
the excellent scribe of accounts, Paheri, justified.

" I say to you and cause you to know, that is by
reading (this memorial) : 46. it has no boasts (?),
there is no injury or protest in it, 47. it is not a
quarrel with another, nor a contradiction of a man who
was miserable 48. in his time : they are pleasant
words of cheerfulness, which the heart wearies not to
hear : it is the breath 49. of the mouth which is not
eaten, which hastens not and delays not: it will be
well for you to do the like : [ye would have (?)] found
[it true (?)] if 50. ye had (?) come here when I was
in this land of the living, not a shame to my god. I
have become a [soul] 51. well furnished, I have esta-
blished my place in Kher-neter; my possessions of all
kinds are with me, that I may not refrain from (?)

answering.................. 52. my father('s mummy)

was an object of reverent care to him whom he
created, he lacked not (the son) whom he had be-

" May your hearing of this be pleasant."

mad kheru, dr-en menai en sa seten, an Atef-rura mad
khent, mes-en nebt per 37. Kam madi kheru—zei-ef

" set em d/r-ef ten entiu em Meper, zet-a enten, nen
keru 38. dm

" d ankhu unenyu seru reth tepu ta, henu neter, uabu
dru-sen, an neb shesep 39. mestd, shesa-her em metu
neter, dqer neb en semtet-ef, ten re em aba 40. unut-
ef, hesy-ten Ra neb ueheh, NekAebt hezt, entiu (sic) neb
menkh em dat-ef, se-uaz-ten en khreta-ten

41. mil zetet-ten ' te seten hetep em sent er entet em
seshu, pert er kheru em zet tepu-a md perert em re
en neter : qiih 42. -tefi neb em fet-ef, kheper-ef em,
sekher maat, art md k/ieper md entet er hepu, se-meteru
43. Merit tit pen ' kha-ek em ta, kha-eh em heqt, hefnu em
bu neb nefer 44. maau uab ' en TJsdr ha, en Nekheb ha
en Anyt, meh-ab en mer,..t em ta khentyt, 45. an
dqer en tep heseb Paheri mad kheru,

zet-a enten te-d rekh-ten, shetet as 46. pu, nen peru-
ef, nen se-hurd, nen se-khun <tm-ef, nen aha 47. pit
hend ley, nen a'abet ent hum 48. em at-ef: metet nezemt
ent se-zai her, en sa-en hdti em setem [set]: nef 49. en
re, en dm-en-tu, nen sekhes, nen urt dm-ef: nefer enten

dr-ten set : kern............ 50. hesi-ten : un-d em ta

pen en ank/m, nen du en neter-d: kheper hud em.........

51. apery, se-menkh-nd est-d em kher-neter : khert-d em
d-d em khet nebt, en tern usheb ... 52. dtef pu sah en
dr-nef, en khem-nef setet-nef mu

Nefer setem-teu

The last sentence is the concluding formula in letters of the early period, and not inappro-
priately terminates the long address to visitors.