Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Naville, Edouard
The temple of Deir el Bahari (Band 2): The Ebony shrine, northern half of the middle platform — London, 1896

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This Part begins with the representation of a fragment, at present unique
of its kind. It is a panel of ebony which formed part of a shrine, and
which lay buried in the debris on the roof of the Northern Speos. It is
described with that portion of the building where it was found.

All the other Plates illustrate the Northern Half of the Middle Platform,
which is on a lower level than the Altar-court described in Part I.

These Plates, like those of Part I., are all new. None of the repre-
sentations here published is to be found in any of the previous works on
the Temple by Duemichen or Mariette; for, except the top of the Shrine
of Anubis, all that side of the building was buried deep in rubbish
before our excavations began.

The sculptures and inscriptions are of various kinds. In the Anubis
Shrine they are merely religious. In the Middle Colonnade they refer to
the queen herself. The back wall of the Colonnade, in its whole length
north and south of the Causeway, was devoted to the biography of
Hatshepsu; the scenes begin with her miraculous birth, and go on with
her education.

In this volume we give only that portion of the legend which refers
to her divine origin and to her early childhood. Her coronation by her
father, as well as the most important event of her reign, her expedition
to the land of Punt, will form the subject of the next number.

As in Part I., Mr. John Newberry kindly undertook to draw the
plans and write the architectural descriptions. The artistic part of the
work, in which the same skill will be recognized which earned the
admiration of the readers of the previous number, is due to Mr. Howard
Carter and Mr. Percy Brown.


December, 1896.