Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Neuenheim College <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Der Neuenheimer: the magazine of Neuenheim College, Heidelberg, Germany — 1885

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In the year 1843 a certain Herr Kaiser opened a school for
boys wishing to learn German for commercial purposes in a house
now occupied by the Bank of Messrs. Scheuer, Hirsch and Schloss.
Nearer particulars with regard to this first beginning of our school
we have not been able to obtain, but it seems to have consisted of
but few pupils when at its highest, and to have gradually sunk, till
in 1853 it became incorporated with Dr. Gaspey's school. This had
been started a few years before at the Klingenthor (at the foot of
the Schlossweg) with nine or ten pupils, but had already been nearly
emptied by an outbreak of typhoid. Towards the end of the fifties
the combined schools moved into a house in the Plöckstrasse, next
door to the present High School for Girls. The latter was of course
not yet built, nor indeed did the Märzgasse run through to the
Anlage, but ended at the Plöckstrasse, so that the schoolhouse was
probably swept away to make room for the extension of the street.
These buildings were however not long occupied, for in 1862 the
new house in the Bergheimerstrasse (then the suburb of Bergheim)
was bought and fitted up, and in the autumn the whole school of
fifty boys, among whom were many Germans, went on a two days
expedition to Carlsruhe while the furniture was being moved, and
on its return began work in the new premises. It must be remem-
bered, that at that date the neighbourhood was very different from
what it is today. The whole of the space now occupied by the Bis-
marck-Platz and the houses to the west of it was a harbour for
the Neckar barges to unload in, and from it gardens and timberyards
stretched uninterruptedly up to the new school house.

Dr. Gaspey had in 1857 become a Privatdocent of the University,
in English, so that the main burden of the school lay on the shoulders
of his second master, Dr. Lambeck, an enthusiast for games of all
kinds and especially for gymnastics, under whom it rose in 1864 to
nearly seventy boys.

In 1870, when Dr. Klose became headmaster, the number had
sunk to thirty, but rose steadily to seventy four or five in 1876,
when it moved again, this lime into its present buildings. Noteworthy
events of this period are the great influx of French boys in 1871,
immediately after the war, and in 1S74 and 1875 the first school
athletic sports and cricket matches. The former were held on the
highroad to Eppelheim, no field being available: the latter were played
in the fields at Handschuclisheim.